
The Best Knit & Crochet Sims 4 CC Finds

I’m someone who has a couple things that have taken over too much of my time. I get obsessed with things because of my ADHD and two of those things are crochet and The Sims. So, of course, I had to make a list of any fun crochet pieces I can find to add to my game.

Having these items in my game makes me very happy because they’re all something I’d have the ability to make IRL and they are very inspiring.

Bubble Crochet Set

Making crochet clothes is something I’ve struggled to commit to because it’s so much harder than blankets. Making something like this set would take me a million hours and I’d frog it over and over again. It’s just so beautiful!

Crochet Mini-Dress

Why wouldn’t you want to download a gorgeous crochet mini-dress? This comes in such fun colours and I absolutely love this one for summer.

Granny Square Skirt

Granny Squares are one of my favourite things to make because they feel so grandma. I love the concept of this skirt, it has more of an alpha look than I’d like but it’s still very fun.

Hideaway Knit Dress

This knit dress is so gorgeous, I can’t even knit very well and would never bother even trying to make something with cables because it’s hard. So this is impressive to me!

Tied Crochet Shirt

This top has an interesting texture, not my favourite crochet texture but still super cute!

Crochet Pants

These pants are something I could never commit to in real life. However, my sims don’t have to actually take the time to make them so they get to wear things like this!

Crochet Top

This top is something that’s been on my “to make” list for so long. For now, I’ll just have my sims wear it instead!

Wide-Leg Crochet Pants

These wide leg pants are very fun, they’re a high waisted pant that look super comfortable when your sims wear them while still looking gorgeous.

Zealous Knit Dress

This knit dress is so impressive. I can’t believe the creator managed to get the cable knitting look on a bunch of pixels. It’s gorgeous and the ombre look is even more beautiful.

Crochet Maxi-Dress

This maxi-dress is one of my favourite pieces right now. I love the fun bright colours it comes in and it really looks like something your sim could’ve made!

Crochet Shirt

This top is a fun asymmetrical top and would be very hard to make IRL. I love the colours this one comes in, especially the neutral ones.

Crochet Mini-Skirt

This mini skirt is super cute, it’s not my favourite crochet texture, but I do really love the look.

First Love Tank Top

Tank tops are a very popular option for crochet and knit clothing because they’re pretty quick projects. This one is super cute and I would love to have this in my closet… maybe I’ll make it.

Crochet Tote Bag

One of my first crochet projects was a tiny little tote bag that I proceeded to spill an entire Dr Pepper on and cried about it. So, I needed this bag in the game to remember that moment.

Crochet Summer Vest

I’m so obsessed with this vibe for my sims. Adding a little crochet vest on top of another shirt makes your sims look absolutely beautiful because of how unique it looks.

Granny Square Cardigan

I’m actively working to make a cardigan similar to this one, but never with black yarn. I would never use black yarn again, ew. That’s why this accessory cardigan had to make the list.


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