Sims 4 Admired Icon Aspiration Walkthrough (Teen Only)
With High School Years now being released we just got four new aspirations that are entirely teen focused. There are four aspirations for you to choose from that focus on different parts of your teenage years, and the sims 4 admired icon aspiration is going to focus your sims on making friends, getting followers on social bunny, and having great parties.
These are awesome because they focus only on the experiences that teens can have and aren’t something that your sim will get to have for their entire life, making you more focused when they are a teenager.
Traits That Help With The Admired Icon Aspiration
Traits are one of those things that can impact your sims in a lot of ways and there are certain personality traits that are going to make is easier or harder to complete an aspiration. When talking about different aspirations I love to talk about some traits that may be helpful in completing aspirations, and there are a few that could work for the admired icon aspiration.
The first trait you may want to choose is cheerful because these sims are going to always be happy and will have an easier time keeping their moods up so they can have better interactions with others to make friends. You may also want to choose the outgoing trait because these sims are going to be better at social interactions and have an easier time around others.
As for traits that are specific to High School Years, you’ll want to avoid socially awkward and possibly give your sim the party animal trait because there is a part where you need to throw a gold star party, and these sims will be better at parties.
Bonus Trait
When you first choose an aspiration in create-a-sim or when your sim ages up from child to teenager you’re going to be awarded with a bonus trait that corresponds with whatever aspiration you chose.
Choosing any of the teen aspirations from High School Years is going to get your sim the relatable bonus trait which has a description of “Relatable sims build friendly relationships with fellow teens faster.”
This is amazing because part of the aspiration is going to be to make ten teen friends so you’ll have easier luck with this when you have this trait.

Levels of The Sims 4 Admired Icon Aspiration
Each aspiration that you play through in the game is going to have multiple levels of tasks for you to finish. There are three levels of the sims 4 admired icon aspiration for your teenage sims to work through and each is pretty easy to complete before they age up to young adult.
Everyone’s Bestie
- Join a T-Pose Challenge
- Make 10 Teen Friends
- Post on Social Bunny 5 Times

The first stage of the aspiration is called everyone’s bestie and starts with your sims needing to Join a T-Pose Challenge. This is a very odd challenge that a bunch of teenagers do when they are at school and they love to chat about it on Social Bunny.
To get your sim to join a t-pose challenge you’re going to want to find a sim who is standing in the T-Pose at the current moment at the school and you’ll see options like:
- Watch T-Pose Challenge
- Ask About T-Pose Challenge
- Join T-Pose Challenge
You’ll want to click join t-pose challenge and your sim should do the animation too and complete this part.
The next part is to make ten teen friends which will be rather easy, you’ll be able to meet teenagers at school and you’ll just need to do friendly interactions to make them your friends.
Finally, you’ll need to post on social bunny five times. Social Bunny is a new app on your sim’s phone that is a social media network where you can read other sim’s posts, like them, and add chat with friends.
You’ll want to add new post five different times in your game to get this one done, which is very easy.
Clout Chaser
- List 5 Outfits on Trendi
- Earn Gold on Any Hosted Party

The second stage of the admired icon aspiration is clout chaser with the first task being to list five outfits on Trendi. The first thing you need to do to list clothing is to head over to the thrift store in the world and create a fashion look.
Each day the selection of clothing items available at the thrift store is going to change slightly, allowing you to create unique looks each day. Once you’ve created your fashion look you’ll see it in your sim’s inventory and you’ll want to click on the sell outfit on Trendi option in the app on your phone and you’ll be able to choose to sell your outfit and choose your price.
The other part of this stage is to earn gold on any hosted party, so you can throw a house party for your new teenage friends. This works just like how it always has with events, just follow the event requirements in the top left hand corner and you’ll be good to go.
Admired Icon
- Have 250 Followers on Social Bunny

The final stage of this aspiration is admired icon where your sim is going to need to have 250 followers on social bunny. Since you’ll already be posting on social bunny in the previous section, you’ll probably have a quick start to this one.
There are a few ways that you can gain followers on Social Bunny and the first is just to post content consistently (just like social media IRL)! You’ll want to make sure you’re going in and reacting to other sim’s content as well, so you can make sure to keep your followers.
You can also use The Trendi App and selling clothes on there to earn more followers on Social Bunny as the two apps are connected.
Reward Trait
Any time you complete an aspiration in The Sims 4 you’re going to be given a reward trait that your sim has earned. A sim who finishes off the admired icon aspiration is going to be rewarded with the iconic trait.
This traits description reads “Iconic sims are the ones everyone wants to follow. They’ve earned the admiration of their peers, and can now set their sights anywhere on the world wide web.”
These sims are going to have a way easier time gaining followers online, pretty much anywhere. This means if you have The Sims 4: Get Famous you’ll have an easier time with making videos and gaining followers there, you can gain followers easier on Simstagram too!

Final Thoughts on The Admired Icon Aspiration
Getting teen-specific aspirations has always been something I’ve wanted in the game, so these aspirations coming with The Sims 4: High School Years was super welcome. The admired icon aspiration honestly brings me a ton of joy when playing because it’s like the basic friend of the world aspiration but for a more teen-focused style of gameplay which is awesome. Happy Playing!