The Sims 4: Traits
Traits in The Sims 4 can drastically change the way your sim’s act, what they want to do, and the whims they experience. They affect their emotions and change the types of moodlets your sims will get!
Each sim gets 3 traits that they get to choose in create-a-sim, or they get to choose the traits as the sim ages up. You’ll get to choose a trait when your sim becomes a child, another as a teenager, and a 3rd as a young adult.
Certain traits will work perfectly with certain careers and aspirations, so it’s smart to plan ahead based on what you want that specific sim to do with their life.
With a new patch, you are now able to randomize your sim’s traits if you want to create a random sim or you aren’t sure what to do with their personality.
We’ve also written an article on different pet traits that work the same way that sim traits work!
Types of Traits
Emotional Traits

“These sims tend to be energized, can pump up other sims, and may become upset if they don’t exercise for a period of time.”
The active trait works best with a sim who loves to exercise, and wants to work on the body builder aspiration. This trait will give your sim’s a random energized moodlet which will unlock other exercise interactions like push ups, stretching, and sit ups for regular sims, but sims with the active trait will get access to these interactions, always. If your sim goes more than 24 hours without doing any kind of exercise, they will start to feel tense. This trait conflicts with the lazy trait. Active is a trait that comes with base game!

“These sims tend to be happier than other sims.”
The cheerful trait is a really great one because it keeps your sims feeling happy way more often. These sims will get a random happiness moodlet just from being cheerful, which is helpful because happy can boost all other emotions that your sims are feeling. This trait conflicts with both hot-headed and gloomy. The cheerful trait comes with the base game.

“These sims tend to be inspired, can share creative ideas with other sims, and may become upset if they’re not creative for a period of time.”
The creative trait works best for sims who are working on creative aspirations (i.e., best selling author, painter extraordinaire, etc.) because you create your best work when your sim is feeling inspired. This trait makes your sims feel inspired at random times. The creative trait also makes it so your sims have fun doing creative things like writing, painting, and playing instruments. If your sim doesn’t do anything creative for over 24 hours they may start feeling tense, so you should get them to do creative things as often as possible. This trait comes with the base game.

“These sims tend to be focused, can share ideas with other sims, and may become upset if they haven’t improved their mental skills for some time.”
The genius trait is a great one if you’re working on things like programming, logic, video gaming, and rocket science as it keeps your sims focused on the task at hand and can help them gain the skills more quickly. This trait comes directly with the base game.

“These sims tend to be sad, can sigh to other sims, and while sad, gain a boost to their creative skills.”
A sim who has the gloomy trait will often get a sad moodlet that will last a few hours. When they’re feeling sad they have a new sad interaction where they can share melancholy thoughts. They are able to write sad books and sad paintings any time they are feeling sad. When sims are feeling sad there are certain things they won’t be willing to do, so this trait can get in the way of productive gameplay. This trait conflicts with hot-headed, and cheerful. This trait comes directly with the base game.

“These sims tend to be playful”
The goofball trait gives sims a random playful moodlet and these sims enjoy being playful much more often. This works great for sims who are working on the joke star aspiration and the comedy skill because your sim writes better jokes when feeling playful. This trait conflicts with the snob trait and comes with the base game.

“These sims tend to be angry, can rile up other sims, and become angry when targeted with mischief.”
The hot-headed trait will give your sims random angry moodlets and can make it hard for your sims to want to get other things done if they’re feeling angry. Hot-headed sims are most likely to die from an emotional death from anger. This is great if you are working on the public enemy aspiration because it’s easiest to get people to dislike you and fight you when you’re angry. This trait conflicts with both gloomy and cheerful and is a base game trait.

“These sims tend to be flirty and may become sad if they don’t have any romantic social interactions for a period of time.”
The romantic trait is a really awesome one for any sim working on the serial romantic aspiration because it’s easier for them to make romantic connections. These sims will get flirty moodlets at random times and a sim who is flirty has a better chance of romantic interactions succeeding. This trait conflicts with unflirty and comes with the base game.

“These sims tend to be confident.”
The self-assured trait will give your sims a random confidence moodlet which is an awesome emotion for a sim to experience. This is a helpful trait if your sim is working on making friends for the friend of the world aspiration because when you feel confident you’re more likely to have successful social interactions. This trait came with the base game.

“These sims get tense around flirty sims and seldom get flirty themselves. It is difficult for them to be romantic in public.”
A sim who has the unflirty trait finds it really hard to be romantic with other sims and absolutely hates doing any types of romantic interactions in public. If they have a romantic advance denied, they are going to start feeling uncomfortable and if a sim in a flirty mood pops up around them, they’ll start feeling tense. This trait conflicts with romantic and came with The Sims 4: City Living.
Hobby Traits
Art Lover

“These sims gain powerful moodlets from viewing works of art and cna admire art and discuss art in unique ways.“
The art lover trait is a good one for any sim who wishes to become a painter or strives to complete the painter extraordinaire aspiration. These sims can admire art which will make them feel inspired, and that inspiration really helps with a sims paintings. This trait came with the base game.

“These sims gain powerful moodlets from reading books and can analyze books and discuss books in unique ways.”
Sims who have the bookworm trait get a ton of fun from reading books, more than if they were watching TV so they can be good for you to save money, as books are inexpensive. You can get these sims to analyze books as well, which can get them inspired. It is important to note, that other than for fun, reading books doesn’t do much, even skill books. You’ll gain skills quicker from doing the tasks, instead of reading, so this isn’t the most valuable trait. This trait came with base game.

“These sims become happy and have fun when eating good food, become uncomfortable when eating bad food, and can watch cooking shows for ideas.”
Sims who have the foodie trait get inspired when cooking and can get inspired when they are eating food as well, especially gourmet cooking. This is great for any sim who is trying to finish the Master Chef Aspiration! This trait conflicts with glutton and came with the base game.

“These sims because happy when reading sci-fi or playing video games, may become tense if they haven’t played much, and are better at finding collectibles, and can discuss geek things with other geek sims.”
Sims that have the geek trait are great if you’re trying to do things like programming, video gaming, or logic skill building. They will feel focused more often and this can help build all of those skills. These sims can also do better if you’re working on the collectibles aspirations, as they have an easier time finding more valuable collectibles. This trait came with base game.
Music Lover

“These sims gain powerful moodlets and boost their fun need when listening to music and become happy when playing instruments.”
Sims with the music lover trait is really great for any sim wishing to become a rock star in the entertainer career. These sims can get inspired when they listen deeply on the stereo. You’ll see a sim with this trait getting a lot more fun from listening to music and playing instruments. This trait came with the base game.

“These sims take longer to craft items but tend to make them higher quality, gain powerful moodlets after crafting a high quality item and gain negative moodlets after crafting a low quality item.”
A sim with the perfectionist trait is going to take their time to create really high quality products. This includes paintings, books, and woodwork. This is super helpful if you’re trying to complete the painter extraordinaire or best selling author aspirations, since you need to complete higher quality work. If you have the perfectionist trait and create a lower quality item, your sim is going to start feeling tense. This trait came with base game.
Lifestyle Traits

“These Sims gain powerful moodlets from career success, gain negative moodlets from career failure, and may become Tense is not promoted.”
Sims with the ambitious trait are really focused on work and will get a happy moodlet whenever they get promoted, but they can also feel negative emotions when they aren’t getting promoted fast enough. This trait is not meant for someone who is working from home, as they are going to get super tense if they are unemployed. They are better at performing work hard when they are at work, and will get less tense from doing this. This trait conflicts with lazy and came with the base game.
Cat Lover

“These Sims tend to make cats their companions, preferring the company of cats to other Sims.”
The cat lover trait is a great one to choose if you have The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs. It makes it so your sim loves to spend more time around cats, and will get powerful moodlets anytime they are around cats. They also unlock specific interactions with cats that other sims can’t do. This trait came with cats and dogs.
Child of the Islands

“These Sims experience a spiritual connection to the islands of Sulani. Honour the islands by partaking in the culture, summon powerful elementals, and reap the rewards of their blessings – or the consequences of their disfavour.”
These sims are able to summon elementals (click on your sim) and you’ll be surrounded by elementals, or island ghosts. You can earn rewards based on the things you do that will help the island. This trait came with Island Living.
Child of the Ocean

“Answer the call of the ocean! Sims with this trait will prefer water related activities and feel closer to denizens of the sea.”
Sims with the child of the ocean trait are the type of little fishies that are going to love spending time in the water. They love swimming, snorkeling, and talking to dolphins way more than other sims. They do not like to go fishing and will get a sad moodlet when doing so, and they can also release fish from traps. This trait came with Island Living.

“These sims gain powerful moodlets from watching the kids network, become playful when playing with children, and become happy when playing with children’s toys.”
Sims with the childish trait really love to spend time with children and do anything that kids would do. They love watching kid’s TV, playing with toys, and playing with children. They’ll spend a lot of their time feeling playful. This trait conflicts with hates children, evil, and snob and came with the base game.

“These sims tend to fail more often at physical activities and tend to laugh at failure instead of becoming upset.”
Sims with the clumsy trait aren’t going to see much change to their skill building or success in employment, they’re just going to find things to be a little more difficult. These sims will fall down more when on a treadmill, may slip in more puddles if you have seasons installed, and more. This is a trait that came with base game.
Dance Machine

“These Sims can’t wait to get down, boogie, and party all night! When at venues like Bars, Nightclubs, and Lounges, these Sims can get a burst of energy with the Party Time interaction.”
A sim who has the dance machine trait are always trying to dance, and if they don’t dance for a while they’re going to get a tense moodlet. They can get a happy moodlet when they go into a bar, nightclub, or lounge. The best part about this trait is that you can take disco naps which are only available to sims with this trait and are way more effective than regular naps at filling a sim’s energy. This trait came with get together.
Dog Lover

“These Sims love to be near dogs. They will gain relationships faster with dogs and socialize with dogs more than the average Sim.”
The dog lover trait makes it so your sim’s enjoy spending time with dogs (like me!!!!) and they will want to be around dogs always. They will have more interesting interactions with dogs and are great for any sim who wants to become a veterinarian. This trait came with cats and dogs.

“These Sims can talk to themselves and have unpredictable emotions.”
Sims with the erratic trait are able to fill their social need by talking to themselves, which can be extremely helpful. However, they do get strong emotions that can make it hard to get things done. This trait came with the base game, and used to be called insane.

“These Sims have a greater negative reaction to Hunger, always enjoying eating, no matter the quality of the food and will eat spoiled food.
A sim with the glutton trait are willing to eat genuinely anything. They will grab spoiled food more often, which is nice for when stuff goes bad. They are going to be more uncomfortable if they are hungry, and will eat twice as much as any other sim. This trait conflicts with both foodie and squeamish.

“These Sims don’t mind “borrowing” things from others with a simple swipe, but will get tense when they have not swiped anything in a while.”
A sim who has the kleptomaniac trait will swipe random objects when they are at school or at work and will come home with them. You are also able to get them to swipe objects from other sim’s homes or community lots. The higher your mischief skill, the more things you’re able to steal. It’s important to not steal around too many sims, because you can ruin relationships! This trait came with base game.

“These sims gain powerful moodlets from watching TV or napping as well as from comfortable furniture, become fatigued more quickly from exercise, and grow tense when performing household chores.”
Any sim who has the lazy trait are going to absolutely love spending time sitting or sleeping. They can even take naps on a regular chair, not just on a couch. These sims are going to get a happiness moodlet when sitting on comfortable furniture, so buying them nice furniture will help boost other emotions. This trait conflicts with active, neat, and ambitious and came with the base game.
Loves Outdoors

“These sims can enthuse about nature to other Sims and become happy when outdoors.”
Sims who have the loves outdoors traits are going to get tense if they spend too much time inside. They get strong happy moodlet when they spend time outside which can be extremely helpful if you’re getting your sim to do things like gardening, collecting, fishing, etc. It’s also smart to get these sims to do other tasks outside, for example, you could put an easel or woodworking table outside so they can enjoy the happy moodlet. This trait conflicts with squeamish and came with the base game.

“These Sims can admire and brag about possessions and become sad when they haven’t purchased a new item for a period of time.”
A sim who is materialistic absolutely loves having brand new things around them, especially expensive things. They get a new interaction to admire new possession which can be used anytime you buy something new. You can get a negative emotion if you don’t buy your sim new things, so be sure to get them something every few days. This trait came with the base game.

“These Sims become happy and have fun when performing household chores, can have a cleaning frenzy and become really uncomfortable in dirty surroundings.”
A sim who has the neat trait absolutely hates when their surroundings are dirty, and will get extremely uncomfortable. They unlock the ability to do a cleaning frenzy where they will jump up and clean their entire house in a matter of minutes and their fun will go up during the process. I’ve found this to be a helpful trait for sims with big families since they’re messy and this sim will clean up. They will also never leave their dishes around or leave dirty laundry on the floor if you have laundry day. This trait came with base game.

“These Sims are not affected by dirty surroundings, make household items dirtier faster, and an rummage for food in garbage.”
A sim with the snob trait will never care if their house is dirty or if there is a dirty toddler running around. They aren’t really affected by being dirty themselves, and their hygiene need will go down slower. They can even rummage for food in garbage cans. This trait conflicts with squeamish and neat and comes with the base game.

“These Sims can critique work on low quality items, and are bored by “low brow” television, and gain confidence around other snob sims.”
Sims who have the snob trait love being around other snobs and will get a confidence moodlet when they spend time together. They love to critique any inexpensive furniture that is laying around. They are also more likely to get really bored by things like kid’s TV or boring movies.
This trait conflicts with childish and goofball and came with the base game.

“Squeamish Sims are nauseated by the sight of creepy crawlies, vomiting, violence, and death. These sims become uncomfortable near anything dirty.”
Sims who have the squeamish trait aren’t the biggest fans of doing outdoor things like fishing, collecting insects, and others. They also hate dirty surroundings and can be more grossed out by toddlers who are wearing a dirty diaper. This trait conflicts with loves outdoors, snob, and glutton and came with outdoor retreat.

“These Sims will actively avoid eating foods that contain meat products and can become sick if they eat such foods.”
Sims who have the vegetarian trait absolutely should never eat food with meat, or they will get nauseous and maybe even throw up. When choosing a meal to cook you can see that some meals are designated vegetarian friendly and those are the meals you should eat. If you get your sim to just get leftovers they may pick a non-vegetarian meal, so be careful! This trait came with city living.
Social Traits

“These Sims can bro hug other bros, gain confidence around other bros, and become energized watching sports.”
Sims who have the bro trait are happiest when they are hanging around other bros. They can do a bro hug and a bro bump with other bro sims. These sims absolutely love watching sports on TV and doing things like playing basketball. These sims also get energized moodlets often. This trait came with the base game.

“These sims become happy around sims with negative moodlets, can laugh maniacally and discuss evil plans, and become angry when interacting with good sims.”
Sims who have the evil trait are, just that, evil. They are going to laugh maniacally randomly, which can be extremely funny to watch. Sims who have the good trait will start feeling tense when an evil sim is around. This trait conflicts with childish and good and comes with the base game.
Family Oriented

“These Sims become happy around family members, become sad if they don’t interact with family for a period of time, and can boast about family.”
Sims who are family oriented are great at being parents in the game, they want to have more kids and absolutely love spending time around their family members. They can even get a sad moodlet when they haven’t spent time around their family for a long time. This trait conflicts with hates children and noncommital and comes with the base game.

“These Sims become happy around sims with positive moodlets, can donate to charity, and become sad with interacting with evil sims, and can discuss world peace.”
Sims who have the good trait are given random happiness moodlets often and absolutely love having friendly interactions with other sims.l They are able to discuss world peace with other sims. This trait conflicts with evil and meal and comes with the base game.
Hates Children

“These Sims become angry around children, become tense after try for a baby, and can be mean to children.”
A sim who has the hates children trait absolutely hates being around children, and can get an angry moodlet so they don’t make the best parents. You can even use this trait to be mean to children that you see, and can be fun for bullying some townies haha. This trait comes with the base game.

“These sims love being in clubs, and tend to be happiest when surrounded by their friends.”
A sim who has the insider trait will get a happiness moodlet when they are around 3 or more other sims. They absolutely love being around big groups, especially when they are in clubs. They have a few new interactions, including share insider story. This trait came with get together.

“These Sims get jealous more easily than other Sims. They gain a boost of confidence from being around their significant other, but get tense if they haven’t seen them recently.”
A sim who has the jealous trait is going to be more difficult to keep happy when in a romantic relationship. They will start feeling tense if their partner isn’t home and they are away from them for too long. One nice thing is that they get a positive moodlet when they are around their partner which can help a ton when your partner is home. This is a base game trait.

“These Sims become happy when alone, do not receive negative moodlets when their social need is low, become tense around strangers, and become embarrassed more often by social rejection.”
Sims who have the loner trait do not like to spend time around other sims and prefer to leave alone. They especially don’t like strangers. This is great for any sim who will be working from home, whether that be as a painter, a freelancer, etc. You will see a slower decrease in these sims social need. They will get a happy moodlet whenever they are home alone. This trait conflicts with the outgoing trait and comes with the base game.

“These sims become happy when being mean or mischievous to other sims and become confident after winning a fight.”
Sims who have the mean trait are more likely to autonomously use mean interactions with other sims. They get happy moodlets when they are being mean to others. This can be nice for the Public Enemy Aspiration where you need to be mean to sims often or for the criminal career. This trait conflicts with good and came with the base game.

“These sims become tense after a while in the same job or relationship, become happy when they quit a job or break off a relationship, take longer to propose, and can discuss their fear of commitment.“
Sims with the noncommital trait are going to hate being in long term relationships. They are more likely to want to end their marriage which can be seen through whims, and are going to take way longer to actually agree to marry someone. This is a great trait to give any sim working on the serial romantic aspiration since they will have many relationships at once. They are also noncommital when it comes to their career, and will not enjoy having the same job for too long. This is a trait that came with base game.

“These sims gain powerful moodlets from friendly socialization, have their social need decay quickly, and gain more negative moodlets when their social need is low.”
A sim who has the outgoing trait will enjoy spending time around other sims and will get strong moodlets from social situations. Their social need is going to decrease faster than other sims and this can get annoying, so make sure to get these sims some friends to spend time with. This is a trait that came with the base game.

“Paranoid sims feel that danger is around every corner, and that people are always talking about them. Paranoid sims feel a sense of security while hanging out in basements.
Sims who have the paranoid trait really don’t like strangers and would prefer to spend all of their time in basements to stay away from prying eyes. They are less likely to have successful introductions with other sims. This trait came with strangerville.
Self Absorbed

“These sims are all about themselves! They can fish for compliments, are more excited when receiving a present, and may become tense when they haven’t gotten enough attention. The celebrity spotlight is something they generally relish. After all, everyone else should love them as much as they do themselves, right?”
Sims who have the self-absorbed trait are the best types of people to become celebrities and actors/actresses in get famous. They are more likely to enjoy being in the public spotlight and absolutely love getting their pictures taken by paparazzi. If they aren’t getting attention, they are going to be tense. They love posting to their simstagram and working on growing their fame. This trait came with Get Famous.
Bonus Traits
When you choose an aspiration for your sim, they’ll be given a bonus trait that will help you complete the aspiration. Be careful, because they are yours forever and don’t change if you change your aspiration.
Animal Affection

“Relationships with animals begin at higher values.”
This bonus trait comes when you choose any of the animal aspirations and came with the cats and dogs expansion pack. This bonus trait allows you to start all of your animal relationships with a better friendship, meaning you can make animal friends way easier. This goes great with the traits cat lover or dog lover!

High Metabolism
“It is easier to stay fit and trim when you have a high metabolism.”
This bonus trait comes with the body builder aspiration and comes with the base game. This is a great trait if you want your sim to be in the athlete career and for them to stay slim. They are less likely to gain weight from over eating and are going to be quicker to get to their peak body potential. This is a great bonus trait to go along with the active trait.

“Musers get better boosts to their skills when they’re inspired.”
The muser bonus trait comes with the base game and all of the creativity aspirations (painter extraordinaire, best selling author, musical genius, master actor). This bonus trait allows your sims to gain skills quicker when they’re feeling inspired which will help them create a better quality product. This goes great alongside the creative trait.

“Dastardly sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions.”
This bonus trait comes with the base game and sims in the deviance aspirations will get it (public enemy and chief of mischief). These sims are going to have an easier time being mean to other sims and this means they will be able to create enemies more quickly as well. This goes great alongside the evil or mean traits.
Essence of Flavor

“Sims with essence of flavor make higher quality food and drink.”
The essence of flavor bonus trait comes with the base game and sims who have the food aspirations will get it (master chef and master mixologist). This trait will help your sim make higher quality food and drinks which will keep your sim’s stomachs happy. This goes great with the creative trait because sims are more likely to make good meals when feeling inspired.

“Domestic sims will see their familial relationships grow stronger faster.”
This bonus trait comes with the base game and your sims will get it if you choose any of the family aspirations (super parent, big happy family, successful lineage, and vampire family). This trait will make your sims grow relationships with their family members that will be stronger and will be easier to grow. This goes great with the family oriented trait.
Business Savvy

“Business savvy sims earn more money from their careers.”
The business savvy bonus trait comes with the base game and is given to any sim who chooses a fortune aspiration (fabulously wealthy and mansion baron). This trait helps your sims make more money when they are working, which can help your sim family build extra wealth!
Quick Leaner

“Quick learners build all skills a little bit faster.”
The quick learner bonus trait is a great one and comes with the base game. It is given to any sim who choose a knowledge aspiration (mater vampire, renaissance sim, archaeology scholar, computer whiz, and nerd brain). This ones is great because it makes all skills build faster and if you add reward store traits like savant or night owl, you can build them even quicker.

“Alluring sims are more successful at romance than others.”
The alluring bonus trait comes with the base game and will be given to any sim in a love aspiration (serial romantic and soul mate). This trait makes your sims more desirable to other sims and will help their romantic interactions go more smoothly. This goes great with the romantic trait.

“Gregarious sims build friendly relationships faster.”
The gregarious bonus trait comes with the base game and will be given to any sim in a popularity aspiration (world famous actor, leader of the pack, party animal, good vampire, joke star, and friend of the world). Having this trait makes sims relationships build faster and their social interactions land positively more often.

“Collectors find rare collectibles more often.”
This bonus trait comes with the base game and will show up with any of hte nature aspirations (outdoor enthusiast, freelance botanist, angling ace, the curator, and jungle explorer). This trait helps your sims find the most rare collectibles which are worth more money and will help to complete collections.
Home Turf

“These sims become happy when they are in their home neighbourhood.”
The home turf trait comes with city living, strangerville, or island living and comes with any of the location aspirations (strangerville mystery, city native, and laid back). These sims absolutely love spending time in the neighbourhood that corresponds with their aspiration and will get happy moodlets when they are in that neighbourhood.
Death Traits
When your sim passes away, they are given a new unique trait that they can keep with them while they are a ghost. These traits give new unique experiences for these ghosts as well! Below are the different death traits, as well as their descriptions.
- Death by Anger: “This sim has died of apoplexy, and their rage is still within them.”
- Death by Cowplant: “This sim was eaten by a cowplant and still feels a bit oddly towards plants.”
- Death by Drowning: “This sim drowned in a body of water and now has a fear of all water.”
- Death by Electrocution: “This sim was shocked when they suffered a fatal electrocution.”
- Death by Embarrassment: This sim was mortified, and died of embarrassment. Literally.”
- Death by Fire: “This sim died in a fire, and flames haunt them still.”
- Death by Flowers: “Death came for ___ in the form of a Death Scented Flower Arrangement. ___ couldn’t say no to the gift and paid the price.”
- Death by Freezing: “This sim died from excessive exposure to freezing temperatures.”
- Death by Hunger: “This sim starved to death, and hunger pains have followed them into the afterlife.”
- Death by Laughter: This sim died from a fit of the giggles that continues to pop up now and then.”
- Death by Lightning: “This sim was struck by lightning one time too many.”
- Death by Old Age: “This sim died when their time was up.”
- Death by Overexertion: “Apparently it is possible to overdo it. This sim did it to death.”
- Death by Overheating: “This sim died from prolonged exposure to high temperatures.”
- Death by Poison: “This sim died as a result of being poisoned.”
- Death by Pufferfish: “This sim took their life in their mouth and ate a highly toxic fish.”
- Death by Rabid Rodent Fever: “This sim succumbed to Rabid Rodent Fever, and spreads fear of pestilence and disease in the afterlife.”
- Death by Steam: “This sim died from excessive stream exposure and is constantly hot and dehydrated.”
- Death by Sunlight: “This sim died from over exposure to those harmful UV rays.”
- Consumed by The Mother: “This sim has been consumed by the mother plant and will forever reap her benefits of zero need decay.”
Toddler Traits
Sims in the toddler life stage are only allowed to have one of the following traits. They can seriously affect the way a toddler behaves and are removed when a sim ages up to a child.

“Idyllic, easy going toddlers. They are never defiant and they don’t throw a tantrum. They can easily talk to strangers.”
Toddlers with the angelic trait are not going to throw tantrums so it’s easier to get them bathed and get them to listen to you. They are likely to talk to strangers which can be helpful if parents are busy and your toddler needs their attention need filled.

“These toddlers love to socialized. They earn communication skill faster, and don’t suffer stranger danger from strangers. They can share the love with other sims.”
Toddlers with the charmer trait are super social and grow relationships super fast. They love talking to their siblings or parents and even strangers. You’ll see their communication growing quicker, too.

“These shy toddlers avoid sims outside the household and get said if left behind. They gain extra skill when taught. And they recover faster from bad moods when comforted.”
Toddlers with the clingy trait absolutely hate being around strangers and get negative moodlets when they are away from their parents. They love being comforted by their caregivers.

“Tiny trouble makers who love to cry, cause trouble, and throw fits. But being noticed makes them happy and helps them overcome negative moodlets.”
A toddler with the fussy trait is going to throw temper tantrums all the time. These toddlers will throw fits, wake you up in the night by crying, and just be generally more annoying. It’s best to show them attention to help calm them down.

“These toddlers love their freedom and don’t like to take orders from caregivers. They gain extra skill when they are left alone, and need less attention than other toddlers.”
A toddler with the independent trait can use the potty chair on their own from the beginning, which is helpful in getting the potty skill up without parents needing to help. These toddlers actually do better when their parents aren’t around.

“Goofy and curious. These toddlers love to tell jokes and get playful. They even earn imagination skill slightly faster.”
Toddlers who have the silly trait are more likely to be feeling playful and absolutely love playing with toys or playing with adults around them. They can also gain the imagination skill so quick.

“Curious explorers, these toddlers gain thinking skill slightly faster. They are happiest when learning something and sad if they haven’t learned anything lately.”
A toddler who is inquisitive loves to learn more than any other toddler. They are going to start feeling tense if they haven’t learned new skills in a while and will gain thinking more quickly.

“Spirited and full of energy. These toddlers love to explore and get energized. They earn movement skill slightly faster. They get sad if they haven’t been outside in a while.”
A wild toddler is happiest when they are running around and playing, especially if it’s outside. They love playing on slides and in ball pits and spending their time outside. They gain the movement skill quicker.
Toddler Reward Traits
There are two traits that your sims can get when they age up from toddler to child and it depends entirely on how much skill building they have done as a toddler.
Happy Toddler
“This sim got a good jump on skills as a toddler. This helps them gain all skills a bit faster.”
For a toddler to be given the happy toddler trait they must get to level 3 of all toddler traits before aging up to a child. This will give them a small boost to skill building for their life.
Top-Notch Toddler
“This sim got such a strong jump on skills as a toddler, they improve all other skills extra fast.”
For a toddler to get the top-notch toddler trait they must max out (level 5) the 4 toddler skills before they age up to a child. This is going to help them grow their skills when they’re older.
Child Aspiration Reward Traits
If you get a child aged sim to finish their aspiration, they are going to be rewarded with a brand new trait that will help them to gain certain skills quicker as a teen and adult.
Socially Gifted
Child aged sims can earn the socially gifted trait by finishing the social butterfly aspiration. This bonus trait is going to make it easier for them to gain skills like charisma, acting, and mischief.
Physically Gifted
Child aged sims are able to earn the physically gifted reward trait by finishing the rambunctious scamp aspiration. This trait will make it easier for them to gain the fitness skill in the future.
Mentally Gifted
Child aged sims who complete the whiz kid aspiration are able to gain the mentally gift reward trait. This trait will help them gain adult mental skills quicker, including logic, programming, rocket science, and more.
Creatively Gifted
Child aged sims who have the creatively gifted reward trait have finished the artistic prodigy aspiration and are going to gain creative skills quicker. This means they’ll see boosts in writing, painting, music, and more.