The Sims 4: Fitness Skill Guide
The fitness skill in the Sims 4 is a great option if you want your sims to be athletic and possibly even live a little bit longer. However, it is important to note that your sim can be overweight but have a maxed out athletic skill if they haven’t worked out in a while (just like real life)!
Almost every world in The Sims 4 has a gym where you can workout or you can purchase gym equipment from the buy mode catalog. You can workout on treadmills, weight machines, and even a rock climbing wall if you have The Sims 4: Fitness Stuff.
Ideal Mood for the Fitness Skill
Every skill in the sims 4 has an ideal mood for building it and the fitness still is no different. For this skill the ideal mood would be Energized. So, how do you get energized? Well, you can take a brisk shower which is the easiest option for this and you can also get energized from a ton of different fitness interactions.
Traits That Help The Fitness Skill
Of course, the active trait is an awesome option for anybody who wants to build the fitness skill. These sims are given energized moodlets often and may even get upset if they haven’t exercised in a while.
A sim with the bro trait can become energized when watching sports on the TV which can help you gain the fitness skill a bit quicker.
Loves the Outdoors
The loves the outdoors trait is a great option for a sim who will be jogging once in a while because they’ll be a bit happier when spending time outside and this moodlet will boost their energized moodlet.
How to Increase The Fitness Skill
Leveling up your fitness skill is entirely straightforward and can be done in a number of ways. The first, is to read a book about fitness which you can purchase on the phone or computer but this is the slowest way to increase the skill.
The next way is to obviously, workout! You can go swimming by clicking on a pool and choosing swim laps. You can go jogging or do push ups, stretches, or sit ups by clicking on your sim. You can workout using equipment like the treadmill, punching bags, or other machines and choose different interactions that will do different types of workouts with your sims.
Fitness Skill Levels
Fitness Skill Level 1
Gaining the first level of the fitness skill means your sim can now go jogging, go swimming, and use all sorts of workout equipment to keep growing the skill!
Fitness Skill Level 2
When your sim reaches the second level of the fitness skill they can now discuss fitness techniques with other sims as a nice social interaction.
Fitness Skill Level 3
At level 3 of the fitness skill your sim can now research some workout tips using their computer and even do an endurance run on the treadmill which can make them workout for longer.
Fitness Skill Level 4
When your sim finally reaches the 4th level of the fitness skill they can now do some heavy lifting using the weight machines and also start boxing on the punching bags giving them more options for workouts to do that can help them grow their fitness skill more quickly.
Fitness Skill Level 5
At the 5th level of the fitness skill your sim can now make themselves a protein drink using a bar and also do a no sweat run using the treadmill, this means that they won’t lose hygiene when running.
Fitness Skill Level 6
When your sim hits the 6th level of the fitness skill they have unlocked a new social where they can show off their muscles to any sim that will pay attention to them.
Fitness Skill Level 7
Your sim now has the ability to do a hill challenge on the treadmill now that they’ve hit fitness level 7. This is a way where they can grow their fitness skill a little bit faster than just running on a treadmill.
Fitness Skill Level 8
At the 8th level of the fitness skill your sim can now do an epic workout using weight machines which will increase their fitness skill a bit quicker than regular weight lifting.
Fitness Skill Level 9
When you hit level 9 of the fitness skill you can now practice fighting with other sims which can be extremely fun to watch!
Fitness Skill Level 10
Now that your sim has reached the full capacity of their fitness skill they are able to start mentoring other sims in the skill, which will make the other sim grow their fitness skill faster.
If you’re just too impatient to wait to gain the entirety of the fitness skill, you can always just use cheats! Type in ctrl + alt + C and then type testingcheats true and hit enter, that will allow you to enter the following cheat and for it to work. Then type stats.set_skill_level major_fitness X and fill the X with whatever skill level you’d like (probably 10, hehe)!
The Body Builder Aspiration
If you want your sim to participate in the fitness skill, it may be a great idea for them to run through the body builder aspiration as well. This aspiration doesn’t need your sim to complete any career levels to finish it which means you can do it along side of a career and your sim can do it semi-easily.
When you completely the body builder aspiration you’ll be given the reward trait “Long Lived” which means your sim will live a bit longer than a regular sim which can be extremely helpful if you want to have a lot completed in one sims lifetime.
Best Careers for the Fitness Skill
Every skill in the sims 4 has an ideal career or hobby that can go along with it. Of course the fitness skill has these as well, if you want a career that will use your high fitness skill as an advantage we suggest that you choose to go into the athletic career or the astronaut career because both will need the fitness skill to be promoted.
Mentoring Sims in the Fitness Skill
A really great bonus of maxing out your fitness skill is being able to mentor other sims and help them increase their fitness skill much quicker. When mentoring your sim will be given a confident moodlet and the sim that you’re taking the time to mentor in the fitness skill will gain an energized moodlet.
Mentoring is a great option when you have a sim in your household that could benefit from the fitness skill or needs it for a career.
Best Lot Traits for the Fitness Skill
In an update a while back The Sims 4 now allows you to choose lot traits for your sims homes which can make each house a little different and help you gain certain skills.
If you want to maximize your ability to gain the fitness skill you should definitely add the Bracing Breezes lot trait to your sims home or apartment. This lot trait’s description is “Oodles of fresh air make for a bracing environment for exercise.” and can help your sim exercise harder for longer!
Best Reward Traits for the Fitness Skill
The first thing you can do with your satisfaction points is to purchase an energized potion (200 satisfaction points) that will make your sim extremely energized for 3 hours so you can grow your fitness skill a bit quicker.
The next beneficial reward store item is the Gym Rat trait (500 satisfaction points). This reward will make it so your sim doesn’t experience hygiene decay when they are working out and will gain a bit more fun when doing it as well.
The next reward that could be beneficial is either night owl or morning sim (1,000 satisfaction points), these can help you earn skills up to 25% faster during these times.
Calories in, Calories Out!
Just like in real life, what you eat matters for your sims overall weight and health. If you want your sim to finish the body builder aspiration and reach their maximum body potential, it’s important that you choose healthier items for your sims. There is a list of calories for each food item that was posted on Carl’s Sims 4 Guide forum that I’ve compiled into a chart below:
Food Item | Calories |
Abrosia | 0 |
Apple Pie | 450 |
Asparagus Proscuitto Wrapped | 100 |
Baked Alaska | 500 |
Bananas Foster | 600 |
Blacked Bass | 0 |
Black and White Cookie | 200 |
BLT | 300 |
Cake: Black and White | 500 |
Cake: Hamburger | 500 |
Cake: White | 500 |
Taco Casserole | 200 |
Tuna Casserole | 200 |
Cereal | 120 |
Chicken Kiev | 300 |
Chicken Stir Fry | 250 |
Chili | 325 |
Chips | 200 |
Cioppino | 341 |
Chocolate chip Cookie | 250 |
These are just a fraction of the items available, so you can read the rest in this forum!
Final Thoughts
The Sims 4 Fitness skill is an awesome option for any sim you would like to be more athletic, or maybe lose a bit of weight. Are you a fan of the fitness skill? Have you completed the body builder aspiration? Let me know in the comments!
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