The Sims 4: Acting Skill Guide

The first appearance of the acting skill in The Sims 4 was in 2018 when we got the Get Famous expansion pack. This skill is an essential part of the acting career if you want to do well in your gigs and have the opportunity for promotions to earn more money. You’ll also find that sims who are in the drama club activity after school will need to earn this skill as well.

Your sims are going to gain a lot of confidence in their acting abilities as they gain this skill and can even go out and perform in the world to earn a bit of extra money in the form of tips.

How to Gain The Acting Skill

There are a few ways to gain each skill in The Sims 4 but your best option is always to actively do things. Reading skill books will help your sims gain skills but it won’t be exceptionally quick making your sims take longer to max out their skill.

The first good way to gain the skill is to practice acting in the mirror or on a microphone. This will have your sims be standing there being all dramatic and adorable and learning the skill pretty quick. When you reach level four of the skill your sims will actually unlock a special mirror, The Trouper’s Looking Glass, which if you put it in your home and use it to practice acting your sims will gain the skill more quickly.

Your other decent option is to perform scenes out in the world, the only annoying thing about this is that your sims performances don’t last super long and you’ll have to keep making them do this when with practicing acting they’ll do it until you tell them to stop.

Hacking Your Skill Gains

If you really want to have your sims able to gain this skill quickly and without struggle at all times, you’ll want to make sure to choose the right traits and aspirations for this specific sim. There are a few traits you can choose from for sims who want to be good at acting but the first and best one is definitely self assured.

Self assured is an awesome choice because each skill has a hidden mood that helps you gain it more quickly and self assured sims will feel more confident more often which is the best mood for acting! Your sims will have better success when performing scenes when feeling confident too.

You may also want to choose things like creative because your sims will feel inspired and just generally be in a good mood or you may want to go with cheerful because these sims are happy more often and will get less negative moodlets.

As for choosing an aspiration for this sim you may want to go with the Master Actor Aspiration that goes right with this skill. The best part about this is that when you complete it your sims are going to get the world renowned actor/actress bonus trait which will give your sim the confidence to never fail at an acting attempt again which will help them gain the skill more successfully and they’ll get famous faster!

a celebrity sim being photographed by paparazzi while a fan screams and gets an autograph

Acting Skill Levels

Acting Skill Level 1

At the first level of the acting skill you unlock the ability to practice acting using a mirror or a microphone.

Acting Skill Level 2

The second level of the acting skill unlocks your ability to practice your acting skill with another sim. You are also now able to cry on demand when you click your sim and this will give you a sadness moodlet for a short period of time.

Acting Skill Level 3

When you reach the third level of the acting skill you can now you acting to completely save an awkward conversation your sim may have entered. You can now perform a romance scene with another sim, which can also be done for tips to earn some side income.

Acting Skill Level 4

At level 4 of the acting skill you’ll unlocked the Trouper’s Looking Glass which is a (very cute) mirror that will help you gain the acting skill quicker. *Note: the mirror is not automatically in your inventory.

Acting Skill Level 5

When you reach level 5 of the acting skill you can now perform a musical scene which can also be done for tips.

Acting Skill Level 6

At the 6th level of the acting skill you can officially perform acting scenes which can also be done for tips. You can now “Act Not Bored” when you’re not quite enjoying a conversation and also save a boring conversation.

Acting Skill Level 7

When you reach level 7 of the acting skill you can now perform an action scene which can also be done for tips. You can also now save an unpleasant conversation when your sim or another sim makes a conversation not so awesome.

Acting Skill Level 8

At this level of the acting skill you can now unlock the Basic Microphone Stand which will help you gain the acting skill quicker than the regular base game microphone. You can also start doing sci-fi scenes for performances which you can earn tips from.

Acting Skill Level 9

You can now perform a comedy scene which can be done for tips as well, and you can also use “act not embarrassed” to get rid of an embarrassed moodlet and hide the embarrassment from other sims.

Acting Skill Level 10

At level 10 you’ve reached the top of the acting skill and can now perform drama scenes which can also be done for tips. You have also now unlocked a jacket and pants in create a sim!

Performing Acting for Tips

Performing for tips is an awesome little side hustle for your sim if you’re waiting for a new acting gig or if you’re a stay at home mom who just needs a bit of money for their family.

If your sim is able to get enough people to gather around you can make a decent amount of money from performing different scenes in front of sims. You can also bring a friend or use another sim to perform together and make more money.

Final Thoughts

Having your sims work on the acting skill is a great way to have a beautiful career as an actor or just to have a new fun skill for your younger sims to try out. Using this to get tips on the street by performing or going to gigs is super fun and a great way to play the game. One of the most fun parts of Get Famous for sure, happy playing!

If your sims are super creative and want to spend more time doing artistic skills, you may want to learn more about these skills too!

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