The Sims 4: Spellcaster Perks
Perks are one of the most valuable things you can gain as a spellcaster from The Sims 4: Realm of Magic. Gaining perk points will allow you to earn new abilities and can even protect you from curses if you choose to go down that branch.
In this guide we are going to talk about the different perk points in the game and what they can do for you, as well as how to gain them.
How to Gain Perk Points
Perk points are awarded when your sim reaches a new level of being a spellcaster or when your sim manages to overmax their magical abilities.
There are 5 levels of being a spellcaster that will give you perk points but you’ll actually get more perk points depending how far along you are in being a spellcaster. You can also gain new perk points after you’ve reached the virtuoso by overmaxing.
Spellcaster Level | Perk Points Awarded |
Neophyte | 1 Perk Point |
Acolyte | 2 Perk Points |
Adept | 2 Perk Points |
Master | 2 Perk Points |
Virtuoso | 3 Perk Points |
Overmax | 1 Perk Points |
Prowess Perks
Knowledge is Magic
“Sim reads and does computer research at a faster rate. These interactions also provide Magical experience over time.”
Sims with this perk are going to be able to read tomes more quickly and gain experience from this interaction which can be helpful while you’re trying to get a higher spellcaster rank.
This spellcaster perk is unlockable when your sim gets to the neophyte level of being a spellcaster.
Mote Hound
“Sim can now always see Magical Motes and collect them. Motes can be consumed for experience and minor, random motive boosts.”
When your sim asks a Sage to turn them into a spellcaster they are momentarily awarded with the Mote Hound perk so you can collect the motes and bring them back. Purchasing the Mote Hound perk will allow you to see those motes at all times.
You can actually absorb these motes and this can give your spellcaster more XP allowing you to age up a little bit faster. You can also get random new moodlets from these motes!
You can grab the mote hound perk when you reach the acolyte level.
Charge Control
“All Spellcaster Charge increases are reduced.”
Having a full spellcaster charge is going to make your sim die from overload so it’s important to find ways to decrease the amount of spellcaster charge your sim gets everytime they cast a spell. This perk decreases how much charge you’ll get, so that’s helpful!
The charge control perk is going to become unlocked at the adept level.
“Sim is now protected from Curses.”
The Hexproof perk is a really awesome option because we do not have time to have curses put on us! We are powerful spellcasters who have work to do. Curses are permanent and can’t be removed without a spell or a potion so being immune from curses is a great perk to choose.
You can unlock this one at the master level of being a spellcaster.
Magical Resonance
“While in The Magic Realm, the Sim in extremely powerful. They are protected by Death from Overload and can more freely Build Charge and Discharge their Spellcaster Charge levels. Also increased success chance of potion making, drinking and spellcasting.”
This is an extremely powerful perk but it is only valid when you are in the Magic Realm. You’ll be able to do as many spells as you want in a row without dying because you’re protected, and you’ll see almost everything you do landing as a success.
Your sim can unlock this perk by reaching the highest level of being a spellcaster, virtuoso.
Alchemy Perks
This row of perks appears in the middle of the 3 branches and is geared towards making potions and the Purveyor of Potions Aspiration.
Blender Arm
“Potion crafting speed significantly increased.”
When you first start out making alchemy potions in the game your sim is going to take a very long time to create just one recipe. Purchasing the blender arm spellcaster perk is going to speed up this process and allow your sim to brew potions much more quickly.
Your sim will unlock this perk when they can reach the neophyte level.
Frugal Combination
“Chance on potion creation that all of the required ingredients will not be used.”
The ingredients used in potions can be really hard to find, or really expensive. This is why this perk is helpful, because it will give you a chance to only use a few of the ingredients you need so you can keep some in your inventory which can allow you to make more potions with those ingredients later.
The frugal combo is going to unlock when your sim is at the acolyte level.
A Little Extra Chemistry
“Potions crafted by this Sim are surprisingly tasty and have an additional small benefit triggered when the potion is consumed.”
These potions are going to give more positive moodlets when consumed, and more negative moodlets when they backfire. Uh oh or awesome?
This spellcaster perk is going to unlock at the adept level.
Mix Master
“Extra servings will be in the Cauldron each time a potion is successfully created.”
When we are crafting potions and learning the skills to do so we want to yield as much of the potion as possible but our serving size just isn’t enough by default. The mix master is going to allow you to make more of a single potion to put in your inventory.
The mix master perk unlocks at the master level of being a spellcaster.
Potent Potables
“Effects on all potions are increased and/or last significantly longer. Sim can now Hex their Potions to have them always fail.”
This perk is going to make potions a bit more powerful and have their effects last longer. The best part about this one is the ability to hex potions because you can do that, then give it to a sim you don’t like so they experience some negatives.
This one is going to unlock at the virtuoso level, the highest level!
Spellcasting Perks
“This Sim can now cast Discharge which empties Spellcaster Charge.”
Having a high spellcaster charge is going to have negative effects on your sim and can lead to death. This is why being able to discharge is awesome, you’ll be able to remove some of your sim’s spellcaster charge.
Discharge becomes available at the neophyte level of being a spellcaster.
Power Shunt
“Casting a spell now adds significantly less Spellcaster Charge.”
Your sim’s spellcaster charge is a really important part of being a spellcaster. If you manage to use too much of it you can overload your sim and they will pass away. This perk is going to make it so your sim uses less of their charge and can do more spells in a short time.
Your sim can unlock the power shunt when they are at the acolyte level.
Spectral Reach
“Sim can now cast long distances (without having to move closer to the target). Also, Sims no longer know who cast the spell on them so they won’t react negatively to you.”
One thing about casting mischief spells on other sims is that it can negatively affect your sim’s relationships and their reputation (from get famous). This perk makes it so your sim can be much further away from their target sim and not have their relationships ruined from performing these spells.
This one is going to unlock when your sim reaches the adept level of being a spellcaster.
Master Caster
“Casting spells no longer fails when the Sim is in a Normal Spellcaster Charge range, Backfires are greatly reduced in Charged and Overcharge states.”
One thing all great spellcasters need to be aware of is the ability for their spells to backfire and be used on themselves or result in a curse. This perk is going to make it so your sim will no longer backfire if they have low spellcaster charge and will have less backfires at higher levels.
This perk is going to unlock at the master level of being a spellcaster.
Master Duelist
“This Sim has significantly increased chances of winning a duel and reaps better rewards from them.”
Dueling in the game is a great way to earn more spellcaster XP or you can choose to duel for knowledge, ingredients, etc. If you get the master duelist perk you’ll be able to get more high quality rewards when doing those types of duels and you will see your sim winning more often.
Your sim unlocks this one at the highest level of being a spellcaster, virtuoso.
Other Perks
One thing that’s different with spellcaster perks compared to vampire perks is that there are non-branch specific perks that your sim can gain. You can choose these perks without having to choose a few before them or go down a specific route.
The only thing you have to wait for is getting to a high enough level for your sim to be able to unlock these specific perks.
Incredible Forager
“This Sim now receives more items when harvesting magical ingredients in the Magic Realm.”
If your sim is going to into making potions this perk may be a good choice. You’re going to need a lot of magical ingredients to make great potions and this perk is going to make it so you get more than the regular amount of harvestables.
You can unlock the incredible forager perk when your sim is at the neophyte level.
“When experimenting and practising, Sim gains experience faster with less failures.”
One of the easiest ways to earn spellcaster XP is to experiment on a cauldron or to practice different types of magic on your own. Your sim can also learn potion recipes and spells this way. This perk is going to make it so your sim will have less failures when doing these things as well as gain more XP allowing them to increase their rank more quickly.
Your sim can grab the experimenter perk when they are at the neophyte level of spellcasting.
Insightful Eye
“Research, experiment, and tome reading speeds are all greatly increased.”
Insightful eye is great for lower level spellcasters because you’re able to do simple tasks more quickly. You can experiment and learn new potions on the cauldron more easily, you can read tomes more quickly to learn new spells, and this can be super helpful to earn XP more quickly.
The insightful eye spellcaster perk can be unlocked at the acolyte level of being a spellcaster.
Spellcaster Socialite
“Unlock Magical social interactions with other Spellcasters that will provide some Spellcaster XP.”
This perk is going to unlock some new interactions that your sim can do with other spellcasters. These include things like discuss overcharge risks and these things will give your sim some extra XP when chatting.
Your sim is able to grab this perk when they are at the acolyte level.
Practiced Practicality
“Practical Spells & Potions always succeed when Sim is in a Normal Spellcaster Charge range, Failure is greatly reduced in Charged and Overcharge states.”
The practiced practicality perk is a great one because it will allow your sim to have better success chances when doing practical magic (which I think is the best kind!) and this will help save you from curses.
Your sim can unlock this perk at the adept level of being a spellcaster.
Mischief Master
“Mischief Spells & Potions always succeed when Sim is in a Normal Spellcaster Charge range, Failure is greatly reduced in Charged and Overcharge states.”
This spellcaster perk is going to make your sim have better luck and less failures when doing some mischief magic spells which will result in less backfires and hopefully less curses put on your sims.
Your sim can purchase this one at the adept level of being a spellcaster.
Tame the Untamable
“Untamed Spells & Potions always succeed when Sim is in a Normal Spellcaster Charge range, Failure is greatly reduced in Charged and Overcharge states.”
There really is no fun in your sim having spells fail, so getting the tame the untamable spellcaster perk can help your sim have greater success in untamed magic.
Your sim can grab this perk at the adpet level of being a spellcaster.
Natural Mentor
“Increased relationship and skill gains when training or experimenting with other Spellcasters.”
Sims who have the natural mentor spellcaster perk are really great at teaching other sims how to do magic. This is a really great option for a sim who has a magical bloodline and wants to grow their family and have them be spellcasters as well. Your sim will gain experience when teaching and learning from other spellcasters as well.
Your sim can unlock this one when they are a master level of being a spellcaster.
Magical Discounts
“Sim receives a 50% discount on all purchases from the market stalls in The Magic Realm.”
This one is especially helpful if you’re going to make your sim a potion master or you want to own all of the familiars. Being able to save 50% on all these purchases is a really awesome option for saving your sim a bunch of money.
Your sim can unlock this spellcaster perk when they reach the master level of being a spellcaster.
How to Reset Perks
Sometimes we may make a decision that we aren’t entirely happy with, or we may decide to go from a focus on alchemy to a focus on spells and this can cause us to want to change our spellcaster perks. Thankfully, there is a way to do this!
Your sim can make the Potion of Perk Purging that will completely reset your perks and let you choose a different path, or a different set of open perks.
Final Thoughts
Purchasing spellcaster perks is an amazing way to make your spellcaster sim even more powerful and see greater results from your spells and potions. What’s your favourite spellcaster perk in the game? Let me know in the comments!
Since the latest download, my virtuoso has lost all of her perk points. How do I get them back?