
Sims 4 Drama Llama Aspiration Walkthrough (Teen Only)

With the release of The Sims 4: High School Years we got four new teenager only aspirations added to the game. These are awesome because they let you focus on teen only activities and not make it feel like your teen is the same as a young adult. The aspiration we’ll be talking about here is the sims 4 drama llama aspiration where your sims are going to be focused on causing chaos.

Traits That Help With The Drama Llama Aspiration

Every aspiration that we play through in the game can be helped or hindered depending on the different traits that you choose for your sims. There are a few traits that are going to be mildly helpful to your ism’s when they are working through the sims 4 drama llama aspiration.

The first trait would be the mean trait because your sim is going to have to enjoy being mean to other sims. Another trait may be the romantic trait because you will need to get a sim to like you enough to want to mess around in the cuddle carts!

Bonus Trait

Every time that you give your sim an aspiration in the game they are going to be given a bonus trait. For example, choosing a family aspiration gives your sims the domestic bonus trait.

When you choose one of the new teen focused aspirations from The Sims 4: High School Years you’re going to get the relatable trait.

This trait’s description reads “relatable sims build friendly relationships with fellow teens faster.” This means that this trait is going to be helpful in getting your sims friendships up higher and letting you really have an easier time with getting a good social life.

The teen aspiration bonus trait description for relatable which reads "relatable sims build friendly relationships with fellow teens faster"

Levels of The Sims 4 Drama Llama Aspiration

Each of the many aspirations that we have available to us in The Sims 4 is going to have a specific number of levels that your sims will need to work through. There are three levels for the sims 4 drama llama aspiration!

Hot Gossip

  • Gossip 5 Times
  • Spread a Rumor
  • Mess Around in The Cuddle Carts
The first page of the drama llama aspiration in The Sims 4; High School Years

The first thing you’re going to need to do is gossip five times which is a simple interaction that you can find under friendly. You can do this with the same sim five times, or talk to different sims and gossip with them.

The next thing you need to do is spread a rumor which you’ll find under the mischief interactions. You can do this with any sim regardless of relationship, as long as you’ve done an introduction first.

The spread nasty rumor interaction option

The final thing you need to do in this category is to mess around in cuddle carts which you’ll need a romantic relationship with someone to do. This is just like the bed interaction mess around so you’ll first want to do a bunch of romantic interactions.

The mess around with interaction on the cuddle carts

Once you see the mess around with option on the cuddle carts you’ll want to click it, your sims will walk over and the ride will start to have animations similar to woohoo animations with hearts. When your on the cuddle carts you can even get question cards where you can choose what you want to do.

chance card that appears when two sims mess around in the cuddle carts in the sims 4 high school years

Internet Troll

  • Be Mean on Social Bunny 5 Times
  • Break Up With A Sim
The 3nd page of the sims 4 drama llama aspiration

Social Bunny is the new social media platform that we get in The Sims 4: High School Years, and your sim is going to need to be mean on social bunny five times.

There are a few ways you can do this, the first is to make a new tagged post where you tag another sim you know and choose mean message this will make a post feed where you say something mean to another sim.

A page in the social bunny social media app in The Sims 4 where a sim with the drama llama aspiration will post mean tagged posts

The other option you have is to send a direct message to another sim, where you’ll also want to choose a sim and pick mean message as your choice.

The social bunny send a message page where you can send a mean message to another sim

The types of things you’ll say are quite funny, and very sims themed like this message my sim sent “Not even a cowplant wants to be around you, Greta.”

A sim named Luna sending another sim a mean message on Social Bunny that says "not even a cowplant wants to be around you"

The next thing you’ll need to do is break up with a sim which means you’ll first need to ask a sim to be your boyfriend or girlfriend. You’ll find the break up interaction in the Mean category regardless of your current relationship levels, allowing you to break up with a sim literally whenever you want.

Two sims standing looking at each other and showing off the break up interaction option

Drama Llama

  • Have an Enemy Rival
The third page of the drama llama aspiration in The Sims 4

The last thing you need to do to finish off this aspiration is to have an enemy rival which is not a regular enemy that has been in the base game forever. You’ll need to have an enemy rival in your after-school activity so you first need to join one of the activities at the high school:

  • Cheer Team
  • Chess Team
  • Football Team
  • Computer Team

Sims 4 Drama Llama Aspiration Reward Trait

When your sim is able to complete the drama llama aspiration in The Sims 4 they are going to get the untroubled trait which has a description that reads “Untroubled sims always bounce back, being a drama llama can leave relationships rocky. Nothing says carefree like moving on and letting go.”

the untroubled bonus trait you get from completing the drama llama aspiration in the sims 4

Final Thoughts on The Drama Llama Aspiration

Although The Sims 4: High School Years may not be perfect it still does have some fun gameplay for your teenagers and having these aspirations really changes the game for me. It really makes it more fun because you can focus on specifics to the teenage years and have way more fun. Happy Playing!

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