25+ Sims 4 Curly Toddler Hair CC To Make The Cutest Kids
Since we didn’t get toddlers when the game was launched in 2014 there really is a lack of good toddler hair. Most of the hair in the base game is straight or just boring and downloading sims 4 curly toddler hair cc is a great way to bring in some more fun and interesting hair looks to your game.
There are so many cute looks here including textured curly hairstyles, hair with bows and so much more. You’ll really find something for anyone who loves curls on this list!
The Sims 4: Curly Toddler Hair CC
1. Pia Hair
The first hair on our list is the Pia Hair that is super cute and is available for both children and toddlers which is awesome. This hair has a move wavy style that is pulled back behind the ears allowing your sims to have gorgeous cc earrings too!
The best part about these hairstyles is that in the download files there is even options to download the hair clips that are in their hair so you can add these to have them be even more adorable.

2. Trisha Tresses
There is possibly nothing cuter than a young kid with a bunch of curls put into a gorgeous up-do and this Trisha Tresses Hairstyle is one of the best ever.
This hair has your sim’s hair up in a pony tail situation with tons volume and the curls coming down and framing the sim’s face as a bang. There is even an adorable hair ribbon put into a bow to make it more fancy looking and so beautiful!

3. Naevys-Sims X NotDaniella
The next hair on our list is the Naevys-Sims X NotDaniella collaboration hairstyle that just makes me so happy. This hair has gorgeous curls that are given tons of volume by the front of the hair being up in a half-up half-down style.
The way that the curls come down on either side of the face frames the kid’s face in such an adorable way too. This hair is available for both kids and toddlers too so you don’t just have to keep it for your littlest of little ones.

4. Sweet Curls
Downloading sims 4 toddler curly hair cc doesn’t mean that you need to have extreme curls, they can be very subtle and still count as curls!
These sweet curls are very simple and subtle and look super adorable. They have the top of the sim’s hair being pulled back into a cute half up look with a ribbon to make your sim

5. Lexi Hair
The next hair on the list is the Lexi Hair that is a definite vibe. This hair has a medium length hair cut right above the shoulders and is super wavy and cute.
The one side of the hair is pulled back toward the back of the head and shows off that side of the sims face without giving you access to their ears. This is a great one for outfits with a cute top half that you want to show off without the hair getting in the way.

6. Alyssa Hair
The Alyssa Hair is the next on our list and is really beautiful. This hair is parted slightly to the side with the one side being in a cute flip over and the other side being tucked behind the ear.
We really appreciate when a hair is tucked behind the ear because you can show off your toddler’s cc earrings with their outfit.
This hair is awesome because its hat compatible for any of the adorable toddler hats you can get in your game and also comes in fifteen different swatches to truly make your toddler unique.

7. Erin Hair
There are so many cute hairs with bangs for toddlers that just feel so adorable and real. So many toddlers end up with cute bangs! This Erin Hair has a great side bang that flows into the curls that are so effortlessly sitting on your sim’s shoulder.
This hair is nice because it’s not too short but not too long and just really makes you happy when you see it.

8. Kelly Hair
The next sims 4 toddler curly hair cc option we have on the list is the Kelly Hair that is available for both toddlers and children! This hair is fun because depending on the sim who is wearing it the hair can look really elegant and put together or it can look messy like the kid just went and climbed trees and had the best time.
It really changes depending on the toddler outfit your sim is wearing and makes it feel different depending on the vibes.

9. Bonnie Hair
Having straight across bangs on toddlers just feels so adorable and any time a toddler has bangs it makes me smile so the Bonnie Hair is a hair for me.
This hair has the sim’s curls going just below their shoulders with the hair being half tied up in the back and two curls framing the sims face to make it look super fun. This looks great as a formal look or an everyday hairstyle too!

10. Robin Hair
Why is it not socially acceptable to wear pig tails as an adult? Toddlers in pig tails are just so darn cute and this Robin Hair is a great curly hair pig tail option.
This hair has a middle part in the front that leads down into two adorable pig tails that are curly and go pretty far down your sim’s chest. The hair shows off ears but also has a piece framing the face on one side for a great look.

11. Medium Mid Curly
The medium mid curly hairstyle is a great shorter curly look for your sims and comes in all of the EA hair colour options, even the fashion colours like pink or blue.
Something that doesn’t often happen is a hair looking better with a hat on but this hair works that way and looks so cute when the sims is wearing a hat!

12. Leonora Hairstyle
Can we sign a pointless petition to force EA to add bows to every toddler hairstyle? It just makes them so much cuter!
The Leonora Hairstyle is really cute and has the sim’s hair being entirely behind their back with most of it being pushed back by a really adorable bow that changes colour depending on the colour of the sim’s hair.
There are a few pieces in the front framing the face but most of the hair is behind your sim’s back allowing you to entirely show off your sims clothes.

13. Daisy Hairstyle
If you liked the last hairstyle because of the bow, you’ll love the Daisy Hairstyle too. This is very similar to the Leonora hairstyle but with a less intense curl and added some side bangs to the look.
This hair has half of the hair going in front of the body covering your sim’s shoulders but most of it is behind the back. The hair has a gorgeous bow that changes with the colour of the hair too!

14. Leilani Hair
Are you a fan of straight across bangs on your toddlers and children in The Sims 4? If so, the Leilani Hair is the hair for you.
With this hair you’ll get a set of gorgeous straight across bangs that then flow into the rest of their hair which is really beautiful and goes down in a simple curl over the shoulders and onto their chest.

15. Illusions Age Conversions
Our next option is a gorgeous Illusions Age Conversions that has some really fun looks. The first one is a multi-toned short curly hair look and the second is a beautiful very long curly hair with one side behind the back.
The best part about this is that there’s even a half dye hairstyle and although IRL toddlers probably shouldn’t be dying their hair we are talking about virtual toddlers so why not let them have fun colours in their hair.

16. Josephine Curls
The Josephine Curls are a very beautiful option for your next sim. These look amazing on toddlers because they’re a little messy but in a good way and aren’t super long and unrealistic.
For me the best part of this hair and many hairs on this list is the hair accessories you have the option to add that just makes them so much cuter.

17. Medium Curly Conversion
If you’re looking for a very short curly hair for your toddlers, look no further. The medium curly conversion is a really short hair that looks super realistic for a toddler age.
The hair is hat compatible and looks so adorable with a hat on top and some curls poking out the sides!

18. Nehir Hair
The Nehir Hair is such a gorgeous option for textured curls in the game and gives your sim’s hair so much volume.
This hair has your sim’s natural curls being pulled back into a high puff hairstyle that looks so darn cute. This is amazing because it looks great and could be worn with formal outfits and everyday outfits.

19. Long Curly Pigtails
There are so many fun pigtail hairstyles for toddler custom content and this one is so cute. This hairstyle has straight across bangs that cover the sim’s forehead and the rest of the hair is pulled into two pony tails that are up above your sim’s ears.
The pig tails are curly and long and go right to the sim’s shoulders and drape over them in a very adorable way.

20. Marie Hairstyle
Although this hair has more of an alpha look to it it was just too cute to not put on this list. The Marie Hairstyle makes your sim’s hair look very realistic because the individual strands of hair are very fine like toddler hair is IRL.
This hair has a blunt cut at the bottom and has very fine curls that look so precious and it even comes in 30 colours!

21. Tight Curls
The next hair on our list is the tight curls recolour that lets you have an adorable set of curls on your sim’s head. This hairstyle has a lot of volume and is super short compared to some of the others on the list.
The creator even went as far as to create a toddler eyebrow colour set allowing you to have their tight curls hairstyle match the colour of their eyebrows.

22. Shannah Hair
The Shannah Hair is a really beautiful one that comes in every EA adult colour. This hair is very long going down to pretty much the toddler waist and has some of the hair up in two adorable space buns on the top of their head.
The only issue with hairs like this is that they look really mature and unrealistic for toddlers since most IRL toddlers aren’t actually able to grow this much hair, but it’s a game so its fun to do once in a while.

23. Tight Curls Recolour
Our next hair style is the tight curls recolour which is a recolour of a hair that’s already in game but allowing you to have the fun colours you dream of for your toddlers.

24. Twist Out Hair
The twist out hair already exists in game for sims but this conversion allows you to have it for toddlers too! You can even have it in all of the colours we have for older sims but for some reason can’t use on toddlers like blue, pink and green.
These colours are super fun and let you be a little sillier with your sims so its a must-have.

25. Loosey Curlz
We are really lacking in good textured hair options, especially if you only have the base game so for many players having things like Loosey Curlz in their game is the only way to make sims that look like them.
This sims 4 curly toddler hair cc option is so gorgeous and has seven different colours available for it. This is already an adult hair so you can have your sims matching their mom!

26. Soft Curls with Bangs
The soft curls with bangs hairstyle is a great one because its just so sweet. This hairstyle has a cute straight across bangs look that feels super young and perfect for your little sims.
This hair even has a really adorable set of clips available for you so you can add these cute hair accessory to your sim for a more fun look. It comes in 10 colours even including purples and magentas for something more interesting!

Final Thoughts
There are so many gorgeous toddler hairstyles for your sims to wear to make them a whole lot cuter. These sims 4 curly toddler hair cc are some of my absolute favourites and must-haves in my game and I hope you found stuff that you’ll add to yours too. Happy Playing!