The Sims 4: E-Sports Competitor After School Activity
Being a University student in The Sims 4 is a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to only be about getting your class work done and doing homework. You can join certain teams and organizations that will let your sims have some fun and make new friends.
There are two after school activities that have been added to the game, we have the soccer team player and the e-sports competitor. These after school activities are only available to a sim who is currently enrolled in University.
How to Join the E-Sports Team
Joining as an esports competitor in The Sims 4 is the same as getting a job. You can use your phone or the computer to find a job and it will be at the bottom of the career list, right before part time jobs.
You can also go to the arena on your school’s campus and click on the building and choose join e-sports team.
Levels of Being an E-Sports Competitor
There are four levels of the e-sports competitor at University, and growing as a gamer is going to benefit your sim differently and maybe even get them a guaranteed job after they finish school.
Practice Squad Member
When you join the soccer team, you’re going to have a daily task to complete and as well skill levels for your sims to complete before being able to move onto the next step. Before you can move on to the next step in this after school activity, your sim needs to:
- Reach Video Gaming Level 3
They also have the daily task of playing Sims Scuffle which you can do alone or with members of your team.
To reach level 3 of the video gaming skill, your sim is going to need to play video games on a computer, a gaming system for the TV or using a gaming mat. Since you’ll be on campus, it’s probably easiest to just use a computer.
As an alternate on the e-sports team, your sim will need to research simsscuffle techniques and also play simsscuffle. Both of these tasks can easily be done on the computer.
They are going to need to get two skill levels up:
- Reach Charisma Level 2
- Reach Video Gaming Level 6
To gain the charisma skill your sim can talk to other sims or they can practice a speech in the mirror. You may also want to take a skill class for §250 in charisma at the University.
You can continue to gain the video gaming skill in the same way, best to do on the computer.
Your sim is just going to need to continue to play simsscuffle every day and also research some techniques to get better at the game. They also need to improve this skill:
- Reach Charisma Level 4
You can continue to increase your sim’s charisma skill by talking to other sims or practicing a speech in the mirror.
Your sim is now the highest level of being an e-sports competitor, they will now just have to attend their meetings and events.
At this point, your sim may even get sponsorships from an energy drink brand power sip. This is hilarious to me because a lot of gamers have been sponsored by companies like red bull or monster energy in real life.
E-Sports Schedule
If you’re a part of the e-sports team, you’re going to spend a ton of time at practice all week. You’ll be going to practice on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6pm to 10pm.
You’ll also have two events per week on both Friday and Saturday from 6pm to 10pm. This is a huge time commitment!
E-Sports Events
There are two e-sports events each week for your sim to participate in. They occur on Fridays and Saturdays at 5 pm. On Friday, the event is going to take place at the Britechester Arena, and on Saturday, the event takes place at Foxbury Institute.
Any sim who isn’t a member of the team is able to pay §45 to attend the event as a nice thing to do on the weekends. You can come see the event if you’re not even a student!
You can bring future gamers to this event as children, and just have a nice thing to do as a family.
Becoming an eSport Gamer
If you can manage to get your sim to the captain level of being an e-sports competitor, you’ll actually get a career advancement if they join the Tech Guru career.
Your sim will skip a lot of the career and start in the eSports Gamer branch, will earn a lot more money per hour in the career, and will be given more vacation time.
Final Thoughts
Being on the e-sports team is a great option if your sim has the time, sims who want to get an A in school aren’t really going to have the time to join this type of activity.
This is best for a sim with 2-3 classes who has a bit of extra time to have some fun and make some friends with their fellow teammates!
I’ve currently have a Sim who just finished University and was apart of the E-Sports team they made captain before graduating but I went to give him the Tech-Guru Career and my sim had to start from level 1 of the career not in the E-Sports Branch.
Once you graduation you will have the tech-Guru option and then there will be a separate e-sports career choice that shows up after you graduate!
I had my sim join the eSports team before but I didn’t get to choose the game he played in it. I believe it automatically chose Blicblock. Is there a way to choose another game?
I know it’s a minor thing, but it just doesn’t suit my sim at all, and it doesn’t seem like me most exciting game to compete in either.