How to Use The Sims 4 CAS Full Edit Mode Cheat (CAS Cheat)
There are so many incredible cheats out there that you’ll have to slowly learn and understand when playing The Sims 4. Unless you use cheat mods you’re going to need to memorize things like the sims 4 CAS full edit mode cheat if you want to use them consistently.
This cheat is perfect for those moments when you see an ugly sim walking around with randomized clothing and an eyeball ring and you desperately need to make them more attractive, or if you want to age up your sims without waiting for a birthday. This cheat definitely has many uses and is a game changer once you learn it.
To use this cheat code all you need to do is enable cheat codes and then type in cas.fulleditmode and then hit enter. You’ll then want to hold down shift and click on your sim and choose modify in cas and you’ll enter create-a-sim and be able to do whatever you want.
What is Sims 4 CAS Full Edit Mode?
CAS Full Edit Mode is a cheat code for The Sims 4 that allows you to completely edit sims further than you’d normally be able to during gameplay. It essentially opens up create a sim in the same way you can use it when you first create a sim but after they’ve already started living their life.
Normally when you’re playing you’d go and click on a mirror and be able to edit your sims a little bit by changing their clothing and their hairstyle but you can’t make major modifications to their face structure or change anything about their traits or aspiration choices through this.
When you’re in full edit mode you’re able to edit literally everything including their life stage, their walk style, their traits and relationships to other sims and anything you want about their appearance.
How to Enable Cheats
Before you are able to use the sims 4 CAS full edit mode cheat you’re going to need to make sure that your have your cheats enabled with a simple cheat code. This is important because it makes sure that all cheats are going to work properly and 90% of the time your cheats aren’t going to work without it.
To do this you’re going to want to hit the following commands depending on where you’re playing:
- PC: Ctrl + Shift + C
- Mac: Command + Shift + C
- Console: All Four Triggers
Doing this is going to pop open a cheat dialogue box at the top of the screen and you’ll want to type in either testingcheats true or testingcheats on and hit enter and the game should let you know that cheats are enabled and you’re free to go on to the next step.
How to Use Sims 4 CAS Full Edit Mode on PC and Mac
Once you have your cheats enabled you’ll want to actually enable the sims 4 CAS full edit mode cheat. What you’ll want to do here is to open up the cheat box with those same commands, here they are again if you’ve forgotten:
- PC: Ctrl + Shift + C
- Mac: Command + Shift + C
- Console: All Four Triggers
Once this is opened up you’ll want type in cas.fulleditmode into this dialogue box and hit enter. To close the dialogue box you’ll want to hit the same commands you used to open it up.
After hitting enter, nothing will happen. You’ll need to go up to the sim you wish to edit and hold down shift on your keyboard and then click on them and choose Modify in CAS. This will immediately open up create a sim and you’ll have full opportunity to make whatever edits you’d like and just be sure to hit the check mark in the corner at the end.
How to Use Sims 4 CAS Full Edit Mode on Console
There are actually so many players who are currently experiencing the game on consoles like Xbox and Playstation and they need to cheat too! The cheats work pretty much the same way if you’re using a mouse and keyboard with that compatibility on console. However, if you’re using controllers you’ll need to switch it up.
What you’re going to start off by doing is enabling your cheat codes which you’re going to do by opening up the cheat console by hitting all four triggers at once. Once this is open you’ll want to type in either testingcheats true or testingcheats on both work the same way and hit enter.
On console when you type this in sometimes the box will close and you’ll need to reopen the box with all four triggers and then type in cas.fulleditmode and hit the selection button.
To close the cheat dialogue box you’ll want to also just hit all four triggers!
Now that the Sims 4 CAS full edit mode cheat is enabled on your game you’ll want to go over to a sim you’d like to edit and if you’re using a keyboard you’ll want to hold down shift and click on the sim. If you’re playing with controllers you’ll want to hold down two buttons (O and X on Playstation, A and B on Xbox) and click on the sim you wish to edit.
How to Turn Off Full Edit Mode
If you’re having the experience of just wanting to go back to having less power in create a sim you may want to go ahead and turn off the full edit mode cheat. To do this you’ll want to open up the cheat box once again the same way we did before and then type in cas.fulleditmode off and hit enter and it should turn off and go back to normal modification options.
Watch The Sims 4 CAS Full Edit Mode Video
There are a number of simmers out there who are much more likely to want to watch a video to see the sims 4 CAS full edit mode cheat in action. Here’s a video that explains the entire process and can help you understand how it works a little easier than some text.
Troubleshooting Sims 4 CAS Full Edit Mode Issues
Whenever I have an article all about my favourite cheats for the game there is inevitably someone who says the cheat isn’t working for them. Thankfully, there are a few simple issues that can cause this to happen that actually have an easy fix.
The first issue that you may be having is that you may have failed to enable your cheats in the game. This is a really easy thing to do where you want to start by hoping up the cheat box with the following commands:
- PC: Ctrl + Shift + C
- Mac: Command + Shift + C
- Console: All Four Triggers
Once the cheat dialogue box opens at the top left corner of your screen you’re going to want to type in testingcheats true or testingcheats on and hit enter and the game should say cheats are enabled and this means that your sims 4 CAS full edit mode cheat should work.
If you’re still experiencing issues with this cheat you have a few other options you can try. The first thing you can do is to save and quit your game and open it up again, it’s just like with appliances, sometimes you just need to turn it off and turn it back on.
If that also doesn’t work you have the option of removing your mods and seeing if that helps, if it does you may just be experiencing an issue with one of your mods and you should check the creators information on the mods and see if there are new versions or any known issues that they are having.
Final Thoughts on Sims 4 CAS Full Edit Mode
There are so many incredible cheat codes for The Sims 4 that you need to know and all of them will do different things and allow your sims to have new experiences. The sims 4 CAS full edit mode cheat is definitely one of the most popular because so many players want to make sure that their sims are beautiful, especially the interesting townie sims that are walking around with an eyeball ring. Happy Playing!
You can also just use ctrl alt c to close the dialogue box xx
or press esc and it closes the dialogue box
I would like it if we could give kids piecing for more then three outfits. The game use to be able to that now that feature was taken away.
You can change the outfit thing to give your sim earrings neclaces ect.
You need to go back to live mode, then back to edit sim mode. Then it’ll show up 💕
Sims 4💓
i love sims
It’s not working or bringing up anything when I enter both cheats.
You have to close the cheat box first. Then, open CAS.
hey yall
It doesn’t work even if I have testing cheats true on
“Testingcheats true”, “Cas.fulleditmode” and then shift plus clicking on the sim and selecting “Modify in CAS” doesn’t work? You can tell it works by clicking on your sim and if you can change their weight and muscle tone.
This didn’t wokr until u added the capital on Testing and Cas.
THANK YOU. ‘Bout time someone did a basic fix/edit article.
I am seriously stressed out every time my wife says, “it isn’t working.”
My entire life is being eaten up with learning the Sims 4, when I will never actually play the game.