Sims 4 Master Mixologist Aspiration Walkthrough
The sims 4 master mixologist aspiration is one of the many aspirations that come with the base game. It’s one of two culinary aspirations along with the master chef aspiration that allows you to focus on cooking. This aspiration is focused on making tasty drinks for sims to enjoy.
This aspiration focuses heavily on the mixology skill and will have your sim needing a bar inside of their home and be prepared to throw a few parties for their favourite friends.
Helpful Traits for The Aspiration
The traits you give your sims are actually really important for completing different aspirations and working through careers. These impact how quickly your sims can gain skills, the way they react to situations and their emotions. There are a few traits that can make this aspiration easier for your sims.
The first trait that may be helpful is the creative trait because these sims are going to feel inspired more often. Being inspired helps your sims make higher quality drinks and food which is helpful in this aspiration.
The next trait that may be helpful is perfectionist because these sims are going to craft higher quality items. However, these sims also take way longer to finish items because they want to ensure that they are perfect.
Finally, since your sims are going to be throwing social events you may want to give them something like the outgoing trait so they have a better time in the game.
Sims 4 Master Mixologist Aspiration BONUS Trait
Whenever you give your sim their first aspiration they are going to be given a bonus trait that will be added to their personality. The trait that you get when you choose the sims 4 master mixologist aspiration is essence of flavour.
Sims who have this bonus trait are going to be able to create higher quality food and drink. This is extremely helpful for the parts of this aspiration when you need to create excellent quality drinks!
Stages of The Sims 4 Master Mixologist Aspiration
Every aspiration that you work through in The Sims 4 has different levels to work through with individual tasks. As you work through these individual tasks your sims are going to be getting satisfaction points to spend on new traits from the reward store. The sims 4 master mixologist aspiration has four levels for you to play through.
Level 1: Bar Tenderfoot
- Mix 20 Drinks
- Own a Bar and 2 Barstools

For the entirety of this aspiration, you’re going to need to own a bar. You can buy one of the less expensive ones and two bar stools to complete half of this aspiration.
Then, you’ll need to mix 20 drinks. This is going to take a while since they need to be individual drinks! You also may want to get the NanoCan Touchless Trashcan so you can make money from all of the empty glasses around.
Although not part of this section of the aspiration, you should definitely join the Culinary career at this point. You’re going to need to get into the Mixology branch of the career in part 3, so it’s smart to work through the career from the beginning.
Level 2: Electric Mixer
- Achieve Level 5 Mixology Skill
- Mix 10 Drinks at a Single Social Event
- Mix 3 Different Excellent Drinks

The easiest part of this section is to reach level 4 of the mixology skill, you can get this done pretty quickly by just making drinks all the time or by practicing making drinks on a bar. That’s really easy.
To make 3 excellent drinks you should get your sim to feel inspired by taking a thoughtful shower and then go and make the drinks with a decently high mixology skill. Being inspired will give you a higher chance of getting higher quality drinks.
You also need to mix 10 drinks at a single social event. This can be any event, like a birthday party, a dinner party, or a house party. You’ll probably spend the majority of the event at the bar making drinks, so this can be a bit of a pain, but is easy to get done.
Level 3: Beverage Boss
- Become an Adult
- Join The Mixology Branch of the Culinary Career
- Achieve Level 7 in the Mixology Skill

Obviously, becoming an adult is a pretty self explanatory part of this aspiration and is done easily. You’ll also need to get into the culinary career and get to the level where you get to choose if you want to be a chef or a mixologist, and choose mixology!
You’ll also need to reach level 7 of the mixology skill. This can be done by making individual drinks on a bar or by practicing making drinks.
Level 4: Master Mixologist
- Achieve Level 10 Mixology Skill
- Mix 10 Excellent Drinks While Inspired
- Create 10 Types of Excellent Drinks

Reaching level 10 of the mixology skill is done by just practicing making drinks or making individual drinks throughout your sim’s life. Raising the skill will take time, but will be worth it!
You will also need to mix 10 excellent drinks while inspired, to get inspired you can take a thoughtful shower which is the easiest way to do it. Then, you’ll need to also mix 10 types of excellent drinks, so when making those 10 drinks while inspired you should make different drink types so you can satisfy both of these at once.
Reward Trait for Sims 4 Master Mixologist Aspiration
Whenever you complete an aspiration in the game you’re going to get a reward trait that will stick with your sims for life. This is awesome because you can keep playing through these aspirations and gaining more and more skills until you have a super sim.
When your sim manages to finish the sims 4 master mixologist aspiration they are going to get the potion master trait. This trait is going to give your sims the ability to mix drinks that can sway the emotions of your sim’s.
This reward trait is a fun one but doesn’t have too much of an impact on your sim’s lives. I’d honestly rather have the master chef aspiration’s bonus trait where your sim’s food will never spoil over this one.
Final Thoughts on Sims 4 Master Mixologist Aspiration
Playing your way through mixology is a really fun thing to do in The Sims 4 and can help your sims do a ton of things in the game. There are secret death types that are related to mixology, ways to turn your sims back from being a vampire, and so much more if you really dig deep into the skill. Happy Playing!
I can’t complete the master mixologist aspiration because I didn’t choose the correct specialization in my culinary career. Is there anyway to revert the specialization or get around that goal to complete it?