The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting Cheats
Since The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting is just a stuff pack, there aren’t a whole bunch of cheats for you to use. But there are a few that can become useful if you use them correctly. These cheats will level up your skill, give you a trait, or unlock all of the objects you can create.
Before you use any of these cheats make sure that you have enabled cheats by typing testingcheats true into your cheat box and pressing enter. Once you’ve gotten the cheats are enabled message, you know you’re good to go.
Knitting Skill Cheats
There is only one skill that came with The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting, and that is of course, the knitting skill. If you want to cheat your knitting skill you’ll want to type in stats.set_skill_level major_knitting X and fill the spot with the X with whatever level of the skill you’d like.
For example, if you’d like to max out the skill it would be stats.set_skill_level major_knitting 10 and your sim will get level 10 of the skill.
How to Unlock Knittable Items
There are two types of knittable items that came with this stuff pack, there is clothing and there are household decorative objects and toys. You’ll need a different cheat code to unlock each.
Unlock Knitted Clothing
If you want to unlock the knitted clothing in the game you want to make sure that cheats are enabled and then enter create a sim. When in CAS you want to type in the cheat code which is cas.unlockbytag SP17 and this will unlock all clothing that you can knit, including all colour variants.
Unlock Knitted Objects
If you want to unlock the objects like rugs, poufs, and hanging plants you’ll need to use the buy debug cheat to enter debug. You first want to make sure that cheats are enabled and then type in bb.showhiddenobjects and hit enter.
Then you can enter build mode and use the sort system to sort by nifty knitting and by debug and you’ll see all of the objects waiting for you to decorate your home with. However, since they are in debug they are not duplicatable, so if you want more than one you’ll need to grab them individually.
Give Your Sim the Sacred Knitting Knowledge Trait
If your sim finishes the lord or lady of the knits aspiration they are going to be given the sacred knitting knowledge reward trait. This trait will allow them to craft things like the forbidden sweater, and will save them from the wrath of the sweater curse which is nice.
If you want your sims to have this trait without completing the aspiration you are able to cheat it by enabling cheats then typing in the following cheat code traits.equip_trait trait_sacredknittingknowledge and hitting enter.
Final Thoughts
There you have it, folks. Those are all of the wonderful cheat codes that came with The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting that you can use to unlock clothing, items, or give yourself more of a skill. Have questions about these cheats? Leave them in the comments!
The cheat didn’t work at all😢