The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack
Every once in a while The Sims team allows the community to help make decisions on upcoming stuff packs, and that’s how we got The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting.
In late 2019 we started voting on an upcoming stuff pack and decided on a hobbies pack, that would eventually be a pack surrounding knitting and a ton of gorgeous knittable clothing for your sims to wear. This stuff pack includes ton of colourful furniture and objects perfect for your sims craft room that will make you smile.
The official game summary for this pack says “In this artsy Community Voted Stuff Pack, Sims can needle their own clothes, toys, and knittable home decor! Take a seat in one of the new rocking chairs and start creating. When you’re done, pile your handcrafted styles onto your loved ones or turn a profit with the new online shopping platform, Plopsy.”

The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting Trailer
The Sweater Curse
In this stuff pack the team decided to add a little drama into your sim’s lives, and it makes me very happy. In knitting there is a common understanding that gifting a sweater to your significant other is not a good idea, and you shouldn’t do it because it can often lead to a break up.
According to Wikipedia “The “sweater curse” or “curse of the love sweater” is a term used by knitters to describe the belief that if a knitter gives a hand-knit sweater to a significant other, it will lead to the recipient breaking up with the knitter.”
If your sim knits a sweater and gifts it to their boyfriend or girlfriend they are going to have a chance to get the sweater curse. During this 7 day long curse any romantic interactions they do will have the opposite effect, causing relationships to get worse, and maybe even causing a break-up or two.
Thankfully, there is a way to remove this curse with the sacred knitting knowledge reward trait.
You can read the full sweater curse article here if you want more info!
Lord/Lady of the Knits Aspiration
We of course got a new aspiration to go with the new stuff pack, The Lord of Lady of the Knits aspiration. This aspiration leads you through the knitting skill and helps you conquer gifting items and selling things on plopsy. It’s a great aspiration to help you understand the entire pack.
There are four levels of the aspiration that your sim will need to work through, they look like this:
- Level One:
- Knit for 5 Hours
- Start 3 Knitting Projects While Inspired
- Knit on a Rocking Chair
- Level Two:
- Achieve level 4 of the Knitting Skill
- Knit While Listening to Music
- Sell a Knitted Object on Plopsy
- Level Three:
- Complete 10 Excellent Quality Knittables
- Successfully Gift 3 Knittables
- Achieve Level 6 of the Knitting Skill
- Successfully Show Off Your Knitted Sweater to Another Sim
- Level Four: Lord or Lady of the Knits
- Achieve level 10 of the Knitting Skill
- Donate 5 Knitted Items to Charity
- Complete 5 Legendary Knittables
- Teach a Sim to Knit
Once your sim finishes this aspiration they are going to get the sacred knitting knowledge reward trait. This trait will allow them to not be affected by the sweater curse and can make sims with this curse be brought back to normal.
You can learn more by reading the full lord or lady of the knits aspiration article here!
The Knitting Skill
Of course, the main feature of The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting is going to be the knitting skill. This skill allows your sim to create beautiful clothing and decor objects, and even toys for your kids! You can sell these items on plopsy to earn money.
To get started with knitting your sim is going to need a yarn basket. There are two for you to choose from, you can place these in the world and then get your sim to put them in their inventory.
Sims are able to knit almost anywhere, including on couches, rocking chairs, the side of the pool, and even on the toilet. To begin a knitting project you can click on a knitting basket and choose knit and you’ll get to choose what type of item from a pie menu. There are hats, socks, and much much more.
With this skill older sims are also able to teach child aged sims to knit, which is an interaction that is absolutely adorable and I’m so glad they added to the game.
You can learn more about the knitting skill here!
How to Sell on Plopsy
Plopsy is an online marketplace that is much like Etsy in real life, and you can sell a number of items from the game on it. You can sell woodworking sculptures, paintings, knittables, candles, and much more. Pretty much anything that isn’t perishable.
To sell something on plopsy it needs to be in your sim’s inventory and you can click on that item and choose list on plopsy. A few days later your sim may either sell the item and you’ll get a notification, or the listing will expire and you can relist. When someone purchases an item you want to click on the item and choose to ship on plopsy and you’ll be paid immediately.
You can read the full plopsy buy and sell article here if you want to learn more!
How to Buy on Plopsy
In addition to being able to sell your sim’s knitted items on plopsy, you can also purchase items for your sims homes on the platform. You can access it either on your sim’s phone or on the computer and the items will reset every few hours in the game.
You can buy things like knittables, art, candles, etc. There is a ton of fun stuff to purchase!
Nifty Knitting Cheats
Before using any of these cheats you want to make sure that cheats are turned on. You can open the cheat box up by hitting ctrl + shift + c and then type in testingcheats true and hitting enter and this will enable cheat codes in the game.
You can check out all of the cheat codes by reading the full article here!
Nifty Knitting Skill Cheats
There is only one skill in The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting, and that is, of course, the knitting skill. This skill is a 10 level skill that can be gained by teens, adults, elders, and can even be taught to children which is adorable.
If you want to level up your sim’s knitting skill without doing a ton of work, you can cheat it! To use this cheat make sure that cheats are enabled and then replace the number 10 with whatever skill level you’d like for your sims to have.
stats.set_skill_level major_knitting 10
Unlock Knitted Clothing
With Nifty Knitting there is a bunch of clothing that is locked behind the knitting wall and isn’t accessible in CAS unless you’ve added it to your family’s wardrobe. This means that there’s a cheat to get those items unlocked. First go into Create a Sim, then make sure that cheats are enabled, and then type in the following to unlock all of the clothing:
cas.unlockbytag SP17
Unlock Knitted Items
There are a number of adorable items that your sims can knit to decorate your home with, and thankfully they allowed you to use the buy debug cheat to find them without having to create them yourself. To use this cheat, first make sure that cheats are enabled and then type in the following to the cheat box
With this cheat you can use the filters in build mode to filter by nifty knitting and by debug so you can just see the items from this pack that you are looking for.
Give Your Sim the Knitting Knowledge Trait
There is a trait that your sim will get if they finish the lord or lady of the knits aspiration that can be really helpful, and thankfully you can cheat to give your sims this trait. To do this, you need to first ensure that cheats are turned on and then type in the following cheat.
traits.equip_trait trait_sacredknittingknowledge
New Objects
Since this is a stuff pack, of course, we got new stuff! This includes the new rocking chairs that sims can sit in. Elders can use these rocking chairs to reminisce about their lives, showing a ton of cute cartoons above their head and toddlers can even play in these chairs.
We also got brand new hanging plants which is something many members of the community have been asking for because they really add something to any room, especially kitchens!
One of my favourite items in this pack are baby onesies, you can actually change the outfit your babies are wearing now with this pack which is fun since babies get NOTHING in The Sims 4.
There are even a bunch of new toys that your sims can knit. Some are just for fun, like the small bears, and some have other things they can do. You can even create Yarny!
If you get a sim to knit the grim reaper stuffed animal and then actually gift that item to the grim reaper himself, they will have their current life stage reset allowing them to live longer. You could do this every time you see grim and live forever!
Final Thoughts
Some of my favourite stuff packs were created by the community, both laundry day and nifty knitting are fun and creative stuff packs that we got to help choose the items for. The Sims 4: Nifty Knitting is a fun stuff pack that can be great for a crafty sim who wants to create items for their families to wear, it’s fun and cute and I like it a lot!