The Sims 4: Tiny Living Stuff Pack

Over the years in the sims community we have seen the popularity of building tiny homes and The Sims team decided to turn that into a whole pack and make it even more fun to do. The Tiny Living Stuff Pack is an awesome addition to the game because it lets your sims live in small spaces and get actually benefits from doing so.

This pack added so much awesome small furniture and combo pieces like Murphy Beds and bookcase, radio, TV combinations that allow you to save a bunch of space when living in small homes. You’ll find that the Tiny Living pack will not disappoint and will unlock new potential for your gameplay.

The Sims 4: Tiny Living Trailer

Tiny Living Description

With every new release EA has an official description that will describe a pack to the potential buyers so they can understand how they work and what to expect when you buy. The description for tiny living says:

  • Build Your Small Space
    • Downsize your Sims’ dwellings with this brand-new, never-before-created residential lot that provides fun-sized challenges and unique benefits to your Sims when they meet the tiny home requirements.
  • Maximize Your Mini
    • Make the most your Sims’ space with the Murphy Bed combo. This medium-sized furniture combo comes with a Two-Seat Loveseat attached to a large Storage Compartment. 
  • Keep it Cozy
    • Customize your Sims’ tiny homes with space–saving combo objects like the all-in-one Stereo, TV, and Bookshelf, and sleek furniture with a pop of color. 
  • Stay Snug in Style
    • Outfit your Sims in comfy new CAS items, like a dress–shirt or turtleneck that represent their low-key lifestyle.

Items Included

There are a lot of objects included in this stuff pack, considering its just a stuff pack. There are a bunch of hair styles that are made available for all ages from toddler to elder and feature short styles with a lot of gorgeous curly hairs. We got a necklace and earring that are definitely super cute and are made of metal and some absolutely beautiful cozy sweaters.

The furniture objects in this pack are awesome because there’s items like the combination system for a television, book case and radio so you only need one object to do all of these things to really save space and have a functional home.

We also got a gorgeous love seat and chair that fit great in so many homes with both neutral and colourful options, as well as a fun bar-height dining table set with beautiful hanging lights that make any room feel put together.

We also got a whole set for your sim’s bedrooms including a single bed that’s great for kids or teens in beautiful patterns, a bedside table or a poof that acts as a table and a selection of small dressers and desks for a perfect tiny room.

We also got a whole bathroom set including a sink, a mirror, a toilet and a gorgeous hanging shelf that features a plant and a cute hanging towel. The clothing in this pack will make your sims feel extremely cozy.

The hero object of this pack is the Murphy Bed which comes in many variations including one that is just a bed on the wall, one that has a bookcase on the side and one that includes a couch for you to turn your living area into a bedroom with just one (possibly fatal) click.

Tiny Home Residential Lot Type

The biggest feature in this pack is the new tiny home residential lot type, this adds to the previous types we had which included commercial lots and just a regular residential lot. This type of lot is interesting because it restricts how many tiles you can actually use to build your home into 3 distinct tiers.

Tiny Home Tiers

The first and smallest tier is the micro home which requires you to have between 4 and 32 tiles in your home. With a micro home you’ll get access to every single lot perk which will be helpful in gaining skills, staying happy and having lower bills.

The second tier is the tiny home tier which is anywhere from 33 to 64 tiles in your home. With this lot type tier you’ll get access to 4 of the lot perks including cozy comforts, you got the touch, lighten the load, and feelin’ fine all the time.

Our final tier is the small home tier which is anywhere from 65 to 100 tiles in your sim’s home. This is the easiest one to work with but only gives you to lot perks. The perks you’ll get access to include the lighten the load perk and feelin’ fine all the time.

Lot Perks

There are 6 total lot perks for your sims to enjoy but it will really depend on what kind of tiny home tier they are living in. If you live in a micro home you will get access to all if you can handle being in such a small area all the time.

1. Lighten The Load

The first lot perk you will have access to is lighten the load this lot perk’s description says “using less space means using less energy which means lower bills” and is available to all 3 tiers of tiny home. This lot trait is incredible because it will give your sims a great decrease in their bills so you can have an easier time paying your bills.

2. Feelin’ Fine All The Time

Our second perk is the feelin’ fine all the time perk which has a description that states “Happy, Inspired, and Focused Buffs last twice as long” and is available to all 3 types of tiny homes. This perk isn’t the greatest one because the emotions system isn’t super important but it can be nice for your sims to be happy, inspired or focused instead of sad or uncomfortable.

3. You Got The Touch

The next lot perk is you got the touch and is only available to tiny and micro homes. Its description reads “skills increase at double the standard rate” and this one is probably the most valuable in the long term. This makes it insanely easy for your sims to grow their skills and get promotions in school and work easier and makes it insanely easy to raise toddlers with all of the toddler skills.

4. Cozy Comforts

Our next lot perk is cozy comforts which has a description that says “Relax! Everything is twice as comfortable as it is generally” and is available to both tiny and micro homes. This one is okay but not the most valuable. It will give your sims happy buffs when sitting on any of their furniture and having cheaper furniture in their home won’t annoy your sims as much as it would normally.

5. Let’s All Get Along

The let’s all get along lot trait is only available to micro homes and its description says “all relationship gains are doubled” and something some players don’t realize is that this goes both ways. This means that your sims can grow their relationships twice as quickly but they can also decrease their relationship just as quickly if they have a bad interaction. This is awesome for things like the 100 Baby Challenge or just having great relationships with your family.

6. Let It Grow

The final lot perk is let it grow and is only available to your micro homes and will help with your sim’s gardening. The description for this one reads “plants grow twice as fast as normal” and this can be helpful if you want your sims to live off the grid or make money by being a gardener.

Murphy Bed and Death Type

The most interesting object we got in The Sims 4: Tiny Living is, of course, the Murphy Bed. This object is meant to be an awesome space saving option for your sim’s sleeping areas and can even have a beautiful couch connected to it if you really want an easy time living in a tiny home.

There is one catch to these beds though and that is the potential for death for your sims. Your sims have the potential of getting crushed by their Murphy bed and having the grim reaper come to see you. The chance of this isn’t huge but there is definitely a chance of it occurring and you need to be aware of this.

Thankfully, there is an option to add some new upgrades to your Murphy Beds including the most important one which is reinforced spring wiring which will make it so your sims don’t have a chance to die from this bed.

Final Thoughts

Tiny living is one of those packs where the team was really listening to something that the player base really enjoyed, building tiny homes, and brought it into the real game in a way where they knocked it out of the park. This is one of the most well-rounded stuff packs and is sure to not disappoint. Happy Playing!

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