Sims 4 Master Chef Aspiration Walkthrough
Every single sim you have in your game needs to eat, so working through the sims 4 master chef aspiration is great so your sims can eat better food that will never spoil. This base game aspiration has your sims focusing on cooking and becoming the best chef they can.
In the sims 4 master chef aspiration your sims are going be working on their cooking, gourmet cooking and mixology skill and they’ll eventually be able to create the best dishes in the game. Through this your sims will work through the culinary career and start throwing their own dinner parties.
Helpful Traits for The Sims 4 Master Chef Aspiration
Whenever you’re choosing an aspiration for your sims it’s important to pay attention to the different traits that you’re giving them. Your sim’s traits can impact the activities they like to do, the rate at which they gain skills and their emotions so you want to choose the right ones.
The first trait you may want to give your sims is the creative trait because these sims are going to spend more time feeling inspired. This is nice because your sims will need to cook meals while inspired and being inspired makes you have higher quality meals too.
The other trait that you may want to give your sims is the perfectionist trait which has positives or negatives. The positives of this trait are that your sims are more likely to create higher quality items, the negatives are that they will spend more time creating these meals. This is helpful for cooking the excellent quality items!
Sims 4 Master Chef Aspiration BONUS Trait
Whenever your sims get an aspiration in the game they are going to be given a reward trait that will be added to their personality. When you choose the sims 4 master chef aspiration you’re going to be given the essence of flavour trait.
This trait is going to help your sims create higher quality food and higher quality drinks with their mixology skill which is extremely helpful with this aspiration as well as in the culinary career.
Stages of The Sims 4 Master Chef Aspiration
Every aspiration that your sims are able to play through has different levels you must complete. Each of these levels are going to have individual tasks that you need to complete and when you do you’ll earn satisfaction points that your sims can use to buy reward traits and other things from the reward store. The sims 4 master chef aspiration is going to have you playing through four different levels of the aspiration.
Level 1: Aluminum Chef
- Cook 5 Excellent Meals
- Cook 2 Meals While Inspired

To get your sim feeling inspired, you can take a thoughtful shower which is the easiest way to get it done. Then cook two meals, chances are these will be excellent meals because you’re inspired, especially if you have the perfectionist trait.
You may just need to keep cooking and cooking to create these excellent meals, I suggest just making single servings of different meals so you aren’t constantly throwing away food.
Level 2: Captain Cook
- Cook a Gourmet Meal
- Earn Silver at a Dinner Party Event
- Achieve Cooking Skill Level 5

Gaining the cooking skill is best done through cooking meals, however, you can also gain it through reading books or watching the cooking channel but both of these methods are going to be slower than just cooking.
In addition to working on your regular cooking skill, your sim needs to also be gaining the gourmet cooking skill. This can be done by clicking on a fridge and choosing cook a gourmet meal.
Finally, your sim is going to need to earn silver at a dinner party event. These events can be planned using the plan a social event interaction on your sim’s cell phone.
To earn silver, you just need to follow the rather simple goals that are set out in the top left corner of the screen throughout the party. Things like cook a meal, call sims to meal, and have drinks will be part of the goals.
Level 3: Culinary Artist
- Become an Adult
- Create 3 Types of Excellent Food
- Reach Level 4 of the Culinary Career

Well, becoming an adult is pretty self-explanatory! You just need to age up at some point to finish this section of the aspiration.
You’ll also need to reach level 4 of the culinary career, this isn’t too far into the career but you’ll need to get to level 8 to finish this aspiration, you’ll get some cool kitchen unlockables during the process.
Finally, you’ll need to create some excellent meals. Try cooking these meals when your sim is in a good mood, feeling inspired, and their surroundings are clean for maximum success.
Level 4: Master Chef
- Cook 3 Gourmet Dishes at a Single Event
- Reach Level 8 of the Culinary Career
- Achieve Gourmet Cooking Level 5

Your sim is going to need to throw another dinner party, but the score you get doesn’t matter at this party. Your sim just needs to create 3 different gourmet meals at one event. I suggest creating single servings so you aren’t wasting a ton of money on food at this party, as this can get expensive.
You’ll need to reach gourmet cooking level 5, which might take a bit of time but chances are you’ll be gaining this skill throughout your career anyway.
Finally, you’ll need to reach level 8 of the culinary career. This will take a bit of time, but it will be worth it for the cool kitchen unlocks and the finishing of this aspiration!
Reward Trait for the Sims 4 Master Chef Aspiration
Out of all the aspirations, I think the reward for this aspiration is the absolute best. It is fresh chef, which means that all food created from this point forward by this sim will not spoil.
I once had a sim who completed this aspiration age up to an elder, and they spent the rest of their life cooking meals and putting them in the fridge and their great-grand children were still eating their meals as kids. It was amazing to never have to cook again!
Final Thoughts
Playing through this aspiration in The Sims 4 is a lot easier than it looks and can be easily done in a sim’s lifetime. It honestly has the best aspiration reward trait in the game and can feed your sims for generations after this sim is gone, which is game changing. Happy Playing!e