40+ Job and Career Mods for The Sims 4 YOU NEED To Try
There really aren’t many jobs in The Sims 4, especially if you only have the base game and this can lead to not having a lot of options for storytelling. We get the basics like a business career and an athletic career, but to get anything more interesting you’re going to need to own some DLC.
With most things in The Sims 4 universe, you can fix this with the use of career or job mods that can be downloaded from various creators in the community. These jobs cover all sorts of ways of life including things like cosmetology, nursing, and social services and these can really help you create more interesting characters.
Below you are going to find over 40 downloadable custom careers that you can add to your game to give to your sims. These are all rabbit hole careers so they are going to function similarly to careers like business or athletic that are already in the game.
1. Accounting Career
The first career on the list is accounting which is a very common path for many people to go down, so why don’t we have something like this in our game? I guess the business career may cover this, but not really.

This career is a good option because it will have you working from 9 am to 5 pm to start and only Monday to Friday so it’s an incredible option for your sims if you have kids. Your sim will start by making §25 per hour which is a decent income to start as a bookkeeper.
2. Adventurer Career
Our next option is a really fun one, the adventurer career! This isn’t for your regular sims, this is for sims who want to go out and live life and be interesting. There are two career branches where your sim can eventually go toward being an educator or a museum curator.

To start out your sim will be working as a Jungle Explorer and they will be earning §15 per hour. Unfortunately, this career has very long hours to start working 12 hours from 5 to 5 on each weekday which means they won’t have much time to do other tasks.
3. Advertising Career
If you want your sim to live out their mad men dreams, the advertising career is the best option for you to download. Sims who may want to be in this career will want to be a creative sim with big ideas!

To start off your sim will be working as a Market Research Intern with a starting hourly rate of §15. This is a good career for parents because your sim will work from Monday to Friday from 9 to 5, giving them plenty of time to hang with their kids.
4. Aerospace Engineer Career
The next option on our list is the aerospace engineer career which has a strong focus on both the logic skill and the rocket science skill and is really awesome for a sim who is super smart and wants others to know it.

When starting in aerospace your sim is going to start their job as a Space Sweeper where you’ll be making §26 per hour working between 7 am to 4 pm every weekday.
5. Airline Career
Is your sim obsessed with airplanes and flying? The airline career would be an awesome option for them. This career has two branches, one that will be bringing them to be a pilot at level 10 and one that will have them being the airline CEO by the top of this career.

Starting out in the airline path your sim is going to be working as a Plane Cleaner where they will work Monday to Friday between 8 am and 4 pm. Doing this they are going to earn §20 per hour which is a decent income to start.
6. Animal Care Career
The next career on our list is an animal care career that will have your sim working all sorts of jobs with animals. They’ll go from working as a dolphin trainer, to an alligator re-locator and an animal acting coach so you’ll be working all over the place with different animals.

Starting off in this career your sim is only going to be working for 3 hours per day, from 1 pm to 4 pm on all weekdays as a dog walker. The nice thing is that they are going to be getting §100 per hour when doing this career.
7. Animal Rescue Career
The next one on the list only has 5 levels of the career and it starts from novice rescuer and leads your sim to being a guru rescuer. Your sims will be only working for one hour a week because this career changes other parts of the game, like your sims getting happy when animals get put up for adoption so you can go and find strays and “save” them.

Being an animal rescuer only really works if you have The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs however, so make sure you have that pack to get the full experience.
8. Archaeology Career
The next career is the Archaeology Career where your sims are going to actually start as an unpaid volunteer which is super interesting and can be fun to have your sims struggle for a while which is the best way to play the game.

Don’t worry, eventually your sim will start to earn income and will absolutely love their new job and they can work their way to become a Head of Antiquities.
9. Art Specialist Career
If you have a sim who is super into art, but doesn’t want to be an artist themselves, being an art specialist may be the best option for them. This career has two branches where you can work as an art dealer or an art curator.

Starting out, your sim will be working as an art gallery assistant where they will work Monday to Thursday and Saturday each week from 9 am to 5 pm. They are going to be making §22 per hour which is a decent starting income.
10. Astronomy Career
Stars, moons, space, all so beautiful and all so interesting. The astronomy career is an awesome option for a sim to work through if they love space! Your sim is going to be able to go down the Astrophysicist or Space Explorer career branch which is awesome.

Your sim’s starting career is going to be as a Space Janitor, which is hilarious because what even is that? They will be working from 8 to 4 and working on all weekdays for §14 per hour.
11. Auto Repair Technician Career
One extremely common career that you see in real life is a car mechanic and this isn’t something we have in The Sims 4. This auto repair technician career is a great choice for sims who love cars and working with their hands.

Working through this career, your sim will start off as an Automotive Service Advisor where they will work for §18 per hour. Their schedule will be from 9 to 5 every weekday.
12. Banking Career
As I’m writing this there’s a popular tiktok sound that says “I hate people that work at the bank” so this is just making me laugh. The banking career is a great option for sims who love to work with money and earn decent money in the process.

As your sim is working through this career they are going to be a Switchboard Operator where they are going to be working for §20 per hour. The schedule for this job is Monday to Friday which is awesome for sims who care for others and they will work from 9 am to 5 pm.
13. Body Artist Career
There are certain sims who just need to be in the Body Artist career! This career is going to have an option of becoming either a tattoo artist or a body piercer. Their entire career will be making other sims look so beautiful through outward expression.

When you first start out in this career, your sim is actually going to be an Art Student. Doing this will have them working Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm and they will be earning §21.
14. Chiropractor Career
As I sit in my chair writing this list, I really wish I had a Chiropractor to crack my back. Good news, your sims can become a chiropractor! This career will have them doing some massages and adjustments to other sims which is fun and they’ll be working with their hands.

When they start out in the chiropractor career they are going to be working as a Mall Kiosk Adjuster working on random people who walk. They are going to work in their rabbit hole career from 9 to 5 pm on Monday to Wednesday as well as Friday and Saturday. They’ll be earning §15 per hour doing this job.
15. Chocolatier Career
There are so many fascinating careers out there that people do each day, and being a chocolatier is such a fun job. This is great for sims who love to bake and working with sweets sounds great to them.

These sims are going to have very early mornings where they start work at 6 am and work until 2 pm. They will be working from Monday to Friday and earning §18 per hour.
16. Cosmetology Career
The next option on our list is the Cosmetology career where your sim will be working on other sims and helping them feel beautiful. One fun thing about this career is that there are 3 branches where you can be a hairstylist, a nail technician or an esthetician.

Starting out, your sim will be a cosmetology student where they will need to go to work from Monday to Friday between 8 to 4 and they will be earning §15 per hour.
17. Event Planner Career
Being an event planner is an extremely fun career option for your sims where they’ll go to work each day and be planning parties for others, what could be more fun than that?

These sims are going to need to work 10 am to 6 pm every day except Tuesday and Friday. They are going to be working as a Friendly Face and they’ll be earning §18 per hour.
18. Factory Worker Career
Something that I’ve never understood about the careers in The Sims 4 is that there aren’t a lot of extremely common careers that everyday people have, like factory workers. There are millions of factory workers in the world and you probably know one or two yourself.

When you start your sim out as a Factory Worker they are going to be earning §10 per hour, which isn’t a lot. They are going to be working from 7 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday.
19. Filmmaker Career
Being a filmmaker is a career that so many people aspire to have in their lives and you can now live vicariously through your sims to get this job. Something fun about this career is that you can actually start it as a teenager!

Starting out, your sim is going to be a film student where they will only be paid §3 per hour but having to go to school between 4 and 10 pm each weekday. This is definitely a big time suck, but it’s cool that you can have a teen sim do this after school.
20. Fitness Instructor Career
The next career on this list is a Fitness Instructor where you are going to be teaching other sims to stay fit. These sims are going to need to earn both the fitness skill and the charisma skill to stay afloat in this career.

When they start out in this career, they are going to have very limited hours where they are working as a Substitute Fitness Instructor on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. They are going to earn §60 per hour but only be working between 6 and 8 pm.
21. Game Developer Career
The next career on our list is the Game Developer career that is a one path career (no branches) with 10 levels that your sims can work through. This is going to have your sim working with the programming and video gaming skills.

When starting in this career, your sim will be a Game Developer Intern where they work from 9 am to 5 pm for §23 per hour. They will be working every day except for Thursday and Saturday.
22. Graphic Novelist Career
Your sims next option for their custom career is a comic artist or graphic novelist career where they will love to draw and create awesome stories.

Your sim is going to start their career as a Comic Store Clerk where they are going to be earning §15 per hour. They will work Tuesday to Thursday and also work on Saturdays and their hours are 9 to 5.
23. Gymnastics Coach Career
The next career option is one that we all know we won’t see in The Sims 4 for real, so it’s awesome to see it as a custom career and that is a gymnastics coach. We all know EA would see this as too niche to add it to the real game.

These sims are going to start out earning §9 per hour as a Sports Leader where they will work Monday, Thursday and Saturday between 4pm and 8 pm.
24. Interior Designer Career
Your next choice is to download the Interior Designer career which is awesome for sims who want to decorate a home or two.

These sims are going to start with a DIY Project Creator where they will work from Friday to Monday each week between 8 am and 4 pm. This career has a starting salary of §35 per hour which is a great amount of money for a starting career.
25. Makeup Artist Career
If your sim absolutely loves make up and wants to be a make up artist, well, you’ll want to download the make up artist career for your sim to play through.

The first step in this career path is to become a Makeup Artist Assistant where they will have super early hours working from 6 am to 2 pm. They’ll need to work Monday to Wednesday as well as Friday and Saturday for §20 per hour.
26. Modelling Career
Does your sim want to be beautiful for a living? Well, being a model may be for them and joining the modelling career may be a great option. They could become a supermodel and change their entire life.

This career actually starts with your sims earning no money as a Volunteer Model where they’re going to need to work 8 hours a day from 6 to 2 pm 5 days a week. This is a lot, but you need to build that portfolio!
27. Mortician Career
Our next career on the list is a little more morbid with your sims being able to become a mortician. This career isn’t for everyone, of course, but it will have them working in a funeral home on sims who have had a visit from Grim.

The career starts out as a Crematory Operator where they will need to work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 am to 8 pm. They’ll be earning §32 per hour.
28. Nursing Career
One career that you’ll see incredibly often in the real world is a nursing career, there are so many people out there who are nurses! This job has four branches where your sim can choose between going into management, being a nurse practitioner, doing hospital based education or becoming a university educator.

Starting out in the Nursing career your sim will be a Patient Care Assistant and will be working Saturday and Sunday for 16 hours. They’ll be earning §12 per hour as they start out in the career.
29. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Career
Our next custom career is for your sim to become a OBGYN and start helping people have babies! This is a super fun career that has high earning potential for your sims, but they will need to work decently long hours.

Starting out, your sim will be working from Monday to Friday between 7 am and 5 pm which are pretty long hours for a working parent, and they will be earning §34 per hour.
30. Oceanography Career
Our next career option is for you to have your sim become an oceanographer which is such a fun choice for sims who love the ocean.

These sims are going to get to be in various careers like Marine Biology, Deep Sea Fishing and so much more. So fun!
31. Office Secretary Career
The next career option for custom careers in The Sims 4 is an office secretary. There are so many common jobs that are just entirely missing in the game, and this is a common career in the real world.

Starting out, your sim is going to be a Coffee Gofer where they will work from 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday. They’ll be working all of these hours and only be earning §10 per hour.
32. Park Worker Career
This next career is something that I never knew I wanted to have in the game and that is a Park Worker. There are two branches of this career where you can either work at an Amusement park or a Zoo which are both such fun options.

When your sim first starts out in this career they are going to be a Roadie where they will work between 8 am and 4 pm between Monday and Friday. Working as a roadie they will be getting §14 per hour.
33. Psychologist Career
Your next choice is to download the psychologist career for your sims to work through. This is a great career choice where they will eventually earn good money which is great.

When starting out in this career, your sims will be working each weekday as a Psychology Student who is earning §3 per hour. They’ll be in school between 4 pm and 10 pm.
34. Real Estate Career
Our next career choice is the real estate career which is a common job that you’ll interact with at some point in your life. Your sim will get to feel like a cool kid who sells homes for a living.

When they are starting their career they are going to be working as a Real Estate Receptionist where they will need to work every weekday between 8 am and 4 pm. You’ll be earning §20 per hour which is a good amount of money.
35. Retail Career
Retail is such a common career for people in the real world and you probably interact with retail workers each and every day in life. The only retail job we have in the game is a part time job, but it should be available as full time for your sims.

When you start out in this retail career your sim will be a Trainee where they will earn §12 per hour. Their schedule is Monday to Friday where they will be working between 8 am and 4 pm.
36. Rheumatologist Career
There are a ton of custom careers created for all sorts of medical careers that exist in the real world. This career is a Rheumatologist which is a specific type of medical career that you may want your sims to have.

Starting out in this career, your sim will be working on getting their Bachelor of Medicine where they will be earning §12 per hour. They’ll need to be at work between 9 and 5 pm from Monday to Friday.
37. Singer Career
One career that everyone wishes came to the game with The Sims 4: Get Famous is the singer career, but all we got was acting. These sims will want to have the singing skill and will love to sing for others.

Your sim will start their new career as a Stage Builder where they will be working on weekends and will be earning §12 per hour.
38. Social Services Career
Social services are a very important career in the world, and your sims can now become a social service worker. These are the most helpful sims and love to make people feel safe and loved.

The first level of this career is the clinical staff extra help job, and these sims are going to be working each weekday. They’ll need to work between 8 am and 4 pm and will be earning §19 per hour.
39. Stock Broker Career
Although I have no idea what a stock broker actually does in real life, it is a career that people have in the real world. These sims definitely do something with money and stocks, fun!

These sims start out with an hourly salary of §100 per hour which is crazy and will work as a Business Intern. Their starting schedule will be Monday to Friday between 9 and 5 pm.
40. Therapist Career
Therapy is great, and your sims should probably go to therapy too, or become. a therapist themselves. These sims will be there to help others be the best version of themselves.

Starting out in the therapist career your sim will be an Amateur Hugger where they will be earning §17 per hour. These sims have a schedule where they are working between 10 and 4 pm every single weekday.
41. Ultimate Dancer
Our next career option for you to download is the ultimate dancer career where your sims will get to become a professional dancer which is so fun.

Starting out in this career will have your sims being a dance student where they are going to be earning §15 per hour. Their work hours will be 6 am to 3 pm from Monday to Friday.
42. Veterinary Technician Career
Although we do have an option for your sims to become a vet and own a vet clinic if you have The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs, most people don’t want to actually run a clinic, they may just want to be a vet technician.

Starting out in this career your sim will be a pet store cashier where they will earn §14 per hour. They’ll work from Monday to Friday between 7:30 and 3:30.
43. Youtuber Career
The final career on our list is the Youtuber career which is an extremely popular dream career for so many people these days. There are different tracks so you can be a Vlogger, an MUA, a gamer, or a DIY youtuber.

Starting out your sim is going to be a Youtube Nobody where they will be working between 9 am and 5 pm each weekday and will earning §25 per hour.
Final Thoughts
These custom careers are so darn fun and can add so much to the game since you can create different sims with different personalities based on their career. It’s really disappointing that we don’t have many careers in the game and adding new ones is so much fun. Happy playing!
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Omg so amazing tysm!
holy shit theres is a ton more jobs to try it out sounds like fun 😀
I tried to download most of these and almost half of them didn’t have a place to download anymore.