The Sims 4: Careers Guide
Pretty much every sim in the game is going to have a career at some point or another since sims need to earn money to survive. These jobs in The Sims 4 are varied and all have different skills associated with them and different tasks for your sims to complete.
Understanding the different careers can completely change how you play the game and make things much smoother when choosing the way that a sim will live their life.
How to Get a Job
If you want to get a career for your sim in the game you have the option of clicking the find a job button in the phone menu or by clicking it in the career panel.
This will open up a box where you can choose from any of the careers, or scroll down to the bottom of the options and choose a part-time job.
In this box you’ll see your initial hourly pay, the days you’ll work, and the description of the career.
Changing How You’re Working
When your sims are at work you actually have the option of choosing how they are working. As a default each day your sims will start off by just working normally. This will decrease their fun need at a regular rate and they won’t be in an awesome mood when they get home.
To change the way your sim is working you can click on the small briefcase icon that is on the grayed out image of your sim on the bottom panel. You’ll have the option to work hard, take it easy, socialize, and more depending on your career. If you choose to socialize your social need will go up and you may meet people and make friends. If you choose to take it easy your sims fun need will go up but their work performance won’t improve.
This is also where you are able to leave work early if you need to come home to take care of kids or just don’t want your sim to be at work any longer.
How to Get Promoted
Getting promoted is great because you’ll earn more money and in many cases work fewer days. There are a few things that you need to focus on for your sims to get promoted. The first thing is your required skills, usually there are two skills that your sims are going to need to gain before they are able to get promoted. For example, working in the writing career as a journalist your sim will need the writing and charisma skills at certain levels in order to continue getting promoted.
You also need to try your best to do your sim’s daily task when they are at home after work. This isn’t 100% necessary for you to get promoted that day, as it is more based on skills and overall work performance. However, doing these daily tasks is going to increase your performance helping you get promoted.
Finally, you need to focus on your work performance. This is the coloured bar in your career panel that increases when you are at work, especially if you are working hard. You will only get promoted if you have reached the end of the career panel.
Career Branches
Most careers have a branch decision where you’ll be able to choose a more specific type of job for your sim. This doesn’t happen for active careers or for freelancing. Choosing a branch opens up different rewards, work hours, pay and more.
For example, someone in the business career will have to choose between the investor branch or the management branch of the career. These decisions usually have a similar amount of pay, but not exactly the same.
Taking Vacation Days
Whenever you start a new career in the game you will automatically be given 3 vacation days to take whenever you’d like. To take these vacation days you want to go to your phone and under the household panel there will be an option to take vacation day.
You’ll start earning more vacation days by going to work and not missing shifts and getting promoted. You can save these up and take a longer period of time off, which is great if you want to stay at home with newborn babies or toddlers.
Active Careers
If you have The Sims 4: Get to Work installed in your game you have 3 active careers available for you that you. In these careers you are able to go to work with your sims to be a doctor, a detective, or a scientist.
In these careers you’ll have a number of tasks that you can complete each day to get a rank either bronze, silver, or gold for each day of work and completing a gold day can get you some bonuses.
These tasks are great for players who want to control every single part of their sim’s lives and can be a fun challenge for these players. However, if you are a player who wants to send your sims away and have a break from them this may not be the best choice for you.
Working from Home
There are a number of careers in the game that have the option of working from home instead of just going to work each day.
Each day an hour before your shift is scheduled to start you are going to get a pop up in the bottom left hand corner of the screen asking if you want to go to work, work from home, or take paid time off.
If you choose to work from home you are going to be given a handful of tasks in the career panel that you need to complete before the start of your next work day.
You’ll be paid a small amount of your daily pay each time you finish a task and can be given bonuses from your employers if they think you did a good job.
Working from home is a good option for parents who need to take care of their babies or toddlers all day, or if you have poor needs and need some time to make your sim happy before you start working for the day.
Types of Careers
There are a bunch of careers in The Sims 4, especially when you have all of the DLC content installed in your game. These are going to be in alphabetical order and are currently updated for The Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
Actor/Actress Career

“The spotlight calls, the cameras are focused, and you are ready for your closeup. It is up to you to breathe energy into the words of the script and really make the characters come alive.”
The acting career is an active career that came with The Sims 4: Get Famous. In this career your sims are going to need to go to auditions and get accepted to do certain gigs before they are able to attend. Then you’ll need to attend the gigs and finish a series of tasks that are assigned to you.
Astronaut Career

“Who doesn’t dream of going to space? Become an astronaut and the galaxy will be your playground.”
When you have a sim in the astronaut career, you definitely want to start working on your fitness skill early. You are also going to need to work on the rocket science skill in the game. Your daily task in this career before branch will be to play chess or to work out, both rather easy.
There are two branches for your sims to choose from, the first one being the space ranger branch. In this branch you’ll be working less than the other branch, working on your fitness skill, and rocket science. In this you are going to need a rocket on your lot since your daily task is to do a space mission everyday.
In the interstellar smuggler branch, you too will need a space ship on your lot since the daily task is to do a space mission. You are going to need to keep gaining fitness and rocket science.
Athlete Career

“An athlete requires physical strength, speed, endurance, and intelligence. Start a career where enthusiastic fans will shout your name, wear your jersey and remember your feats forever.”
A sim who is in the athlete career is of course going to need to gain the fitness skill. You are also going to need to gain the charisma skill to get promoted and your daily task will be to workout which can be done by jogging, or using various workout equipment.
There are two branches for this career, the first branch is the body builder branch where your sim will need to mentor fitness each day. To mentor you need to have another sim working out at a machine and get your sim to click on them and choose mentor, best to do this at the gym! You are going to need to continue to gain charisma and fitness.
If being a body builder isn’t for you, you can become a pro athlete. In this branch you are going to need to study your opponents as your daily task. This is done on the computer under the web interactions. You are going to need to keep gaining the fitness and charisma skills to get promoted.
Business Career

“Synergy! Efficiency! Planfullness! If the mere sound of these industry buzzwords gets you buzzing, then a career in business might just be the right fit for you.”
In the business career your sims will have the daily task of filling out reports which can be done on the computer. They are also going to need to gain the charisma and logic skills.
As you get promoted you’ll have two branches of the career to choose from. The first branch is the management branch. Your daily task will be to make business calls which can be done on your phone. Your sims are going to need to gain the charisma skill and the logic skill to get promoted.
The second branch of this career is the investor branch. Each day this sim is going to have to research stocks on the computer and this is going to take a bit of time. They are also going to need to gain the logic skill and the charisma skill throughout their career.
Civil Designer Career

“As a civil designer, get involved in planning and designing solutions to all kinds of environmental problems and chat to your fellow sims above how to make their world a better place to live.”
The civil designer career came with The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle and is great for any sim who wants to make the world a better place.
In the civil designer career your sim is going to need to do the daily task of interviewing a homeowner about utilities. You can talk to any young adult aged or older sim for this. You’ll need to work on the handiness and logic skill to keep getting promoted.
There are two branches that your sims can choose from for this career, the first one is the civic planner branch. In this branch your daily task is just to gain influence points which is simple. You are going to need to gain the charisma and logic skill to get promoted.
The other branch in this career is the green technician branch where your sims are going to have the daily task of fabricating an eco-upgrade part on the fabricating machine. Your sim is going to need to work on the fabrication skill and the logic skill to gain a promotion in the civil designer career.
Conservationist Career

“You’ve watched every nature documentary out there, and you know just how much the planet is in danger. From educating the public to performing research expeditions, you want to truly make a difference. Change won’t happen overnight, but keep at it and your hard work can lead to thriving ecosystems.”
The conservationist career came to the game with The Sims 4: Island Living and will have your sims trying to save the world of Sulani. In this career your sims will focus on the logic skill and their daily task will be to spread conservation awareness.
The first branch of this career is the environmental manager where your sim will have the daily task of preparing grant applications. They will need to work on the logic and charisma skills.
The second branch is the marine biologist branch. Your sim will have the daily task of surveying ocean wildlife. They are going to need to gain the fitness and logic skills.
Criminal Career

“Not every sim wants to play by the rules. You can make tons of simoleons and have fun too, as an outlaw.”
The criminal career is a great career for any sims who are feeling a bit more evil than others. These sims are going to need to gain the mischief skill and get to level 6 before the branch choice happens. You’ll need to perform mischief interactions each day as your daily task.
The first branch of the career is the boss branch that will have your sim needing the handiness skill and the mischief skill. Your daily task starts with you having to do mean interactions and then will switch to upgrading objects.
The other branch of the career is the oracle branch. This branch will have you focused more on programming and mischief. You’ll need to hack or make viruses as your daily task which can be done on the computer.
Critic Career

“Everyone has an opinion. But not everyone is paid to have it. Sims who feel they have superior judgement can enter the critic career. Whether it’s the foods or the arts, your sim will have something to say about it and others will listen.”
The critic career came into the game when we got The Sims 4: City Living and is an interesting one. This career has the option to work from home where your sim won’t have to go to work and can do small tasks from the comfort of their home.
In this career your sim will need to work on their writing skill before they reach the branch level. The daily task will be to write a column which can be done on the computer.
The first branch of this career is the art critic branch where your sim will need work on the painting skill and the music or comedy skill as well as continuing to work on the writing skill. The daily task will be to review a performance or write a column which you can do on the computer.
The other branch of this career is to become a food critic where your sims will need to write a column or review food each day. You are also going to need to gain the cooking and writing skill as well as the gourmet cooking skill.
Culinary Career

“Anyone can make dinner or mix a drink at home. The culinary career is for those who want to take it to another level and make money doing it.”
The culinary career is great for any sim who loves to cook and wants to eat some goodies. This career focuses on the mixology skill and the cooking skill before branch and your sim will need to prepare food or mix drinks each day as their daily task.
The first branch is the chef branch where your sim needs to work on their cooking and gourmet cooking skill. Your daily task will be to make food, around 3 dishes per day. When you reach level eight of the career you’ll even be able to start writing cook books!
The other branch is the mixology branch where your sim will need to gain the mixology skill and the charisma skill. Your daily task will be to mix drinks so you are definitely going to need a bar in your home.
Detective Career

“Do you want to be the type of cop who’s never really off duty? If so, this job’s for you and we’ve got the rewards to support that unhealthy lifestyle. Teach your teen a valuable less for that C+ by dressing them in prisoner coveralls and transforming their bedroom into a virtual jail celling complete with prison bar walls and a decorative security camera. AS a bonus, you can keep an eye on them with your very own one way mirror.”
The detective career came with The Sims 4: Get to Work and is one of the active careers in the game. In this career your sim will be solving crimes and making friends with their fellow detectives. It’s a great option if you love going to work with your sims.
Doctor Career

“Who doesn’t want to be held responsible for another sim’s health and well being? A doctor who can advance in the medical ranks will find themselves rewarded with objects like a standing surgical light and a full sized skeleton to brighten up the home nursery. TO make the deal extra sweet, you’ll be able to unlock your very own hospital scrubs and patient gowns so you can play doctor at home.”
The doctor career is a bit different than most careers since it is an active career that came to the game with The Sims 4: Get to Work. In this career you’ll be trying to figure out what is wrong with sick sims, doing different tests and eventually performing surgery.
Education Career

“Shape tomorrow’s minds with a career in education. Though, at times, challenging, there are few jobs quite as rewarding.”
The education career was added with The Sims 4: Discover University where your sims can become a teacher and eventually an administrator or professor. This career will have your sims needing to work on the research and debate skill as well as a bit of logic and charisma. Your sims are going to have the daily task of grading homework after they arrive home from work.
Your sims are going to get to choose between two branches, the first one is the administrator branch. These sims are going to need to gain the charisma skill as well as the research and debate skill. Your daily task includes reviewing budget proposals.
The other branch of the career is the professor branch where your sims will need to gain the logic skill and the research and debate skill. The sims daily task is going to be to write a scholarly paper.
Engineer Career

“There are many problems in the world that require modern and creative solutions. Take your love of technology and pursue a career in engineering to solve the world’s problems with computers and mechanical gadgetry”
The engineer career came with The Sims 4: Discover University and brings in the robotics skill. A sim in this career will need to gain the robotics, handiness, and programming skill. Your daily task will be to tinker at the robotics station.
The first branch of the career is the computer engineer branch where your sim will have the daily task of constructing a computer chip. The skills they will need is the programming skill and the robotics skill.
The other option is the mechanical engineer branch where your sims are going to need to gain the handiness skill and the robotics skill.
Entertainer Career

“You’ve wanted your name in lights from the time you could spell it, maybe even before. Answer your calling and claim your fame as a professional entertainer, either making the audience laugh with you or melting their hearts with your melodies.”
In the entertainer career your sims are going to work on the comedy skill and a music skill (ie., guitar or violin or piano) and these are great because you can have fun while working on your skills. Your daily task will be to write jokes or practice music.
The first branch to choose from is the comedian branch where your sims will need the comedy skill and the charisma skill. Your daily task will be to write or perform routines so you can become a better comedian.
The other branch option is to become a musician. These sims are going to need to gain the piano skill and choose between either the violin skill or guitar skill. Your sim’s daily task will be to play instruments which is nice because it will get their fun up after a long day of work.
Freelancer Career

“Be your own boss! Set your own work schedule. Sounds good, right? If you’re both self-disciplined and determined, a career. asa freelancer may be the right path for you. Multiple trades available to work within; agencies are standing by to connect you with eager clients today!”
The freelancer career in The Sims 4 is different than most careers. This career allows you to work entirely from home and on your own schedule. When you choose this career, you are going to be able to choose a speciality and there are a few to choose from.
You can become a freelance programmer, artist, writer, photographer or maker. You’ll be able to choose which gigs you take and how much you work which is extremely convenient for sims with kids or sims who just don’t want to have a regular career.
Gardener Career

“You’ve always had a green thumb, but now you think you can earn some green with it. You’ll start by doing a lot of planting and gardening, but keep at it, and you can find success in the science, or art, in doing so.”
The gardener career came to the game with The Sims 4: Seasons and is a career where you can make a ton of money if you also have a garden in your home. This is also a career where you will have the option to work from home.
Your daily task actually makes it so you must have a garden since you need to harvest harvestables. You are also going to need to gain the gardening skill.
The first branch to choose from is the botanist branch where your sims will need to continuing gaining the gardening skill but also grow their logic skill. The daily task continues in this branch being the harvest harvestables one from before branch.
The other branch of this career is the florist branch where you will continue to work on your gardening skill but also on the flower arranging skill. Your daily task changes to crafting flower arrangements which can be done on the flower arranging table.
Law Career

“Sims who pursue a career in law are in a unique position to help others with their legal problems, champion causes, and further the public good (or not). That fancy paycheck doesn’t hurt either.”
The law career is another one that came to the game with The Sims 4: Discover University. This career also gives your sims the option to work from home and will need to do things like filing legal documents or file a legal motion.
Your sim’s daily task is going to start with file legal documents which is easy and done on the computer but eventually will change to offering legal representation where you need to have a good relationship with another sim before doing this. You are going to need the charisma skill and the research and debate skills.
The first branch of this career will be the judge branch where your sim will need to keep gaining the logic skill and the research and debate skill.
The other branch is the private attorney branch where your sims will need the charisma skill and the research and debate skill.
Military Career

“Physical fitness and discipline will be the keys to success in the military career. Rising through the ranks will not come easy unless you can demonstrate your physical prowess as well as your ability to recruit and be a leader. Will you pursue the path of grand marshal, or will you following a more secretive path to uncover what others might be hiding?”
The military career came to us with The Sims 4: Strangerville and is a really fun one that is also able to be worked from home. This career focuses on the fitness skill and your daily task will be to work out or to spar with other sims.
The first branch you can choose from is the covert operator branch where your sims are going to need to gain the logic skill. The daily task in this branch actually changes any time you get promoted and ranges from things like filing reports, searching the stars, and monitoring other sims.
The other branch is the officer branch. This branch has your sim focusing on the charisma skill. Their daily tasks change up a bit too like practicing speeches, giving orders, and recruiting sims.
Painter Career

“Create your own world with a few strokes of the brush. Make a place for yourself in the art world with hyper real masterpieces or abstract works of unsettling beauty.”
The painter career is a good one because the painting skill itself is just a great way to earn an income in The Sims 4. Your daily task is to paint paintings and you are going to need to earn the painting skill, of course.
The first branch is the master of the real branch where your sims will need to continue their painting skill but also gain the logic skill. Your daily task will stay as paint paintings each day.
The other branch is the patron of the arts branch where you will need to continue paint paintings as a daily task, however, you’ll need to also gain the charisma skill for this branch.
Politician Career

“Join a life of public service. From protesting against the unjust, to gathering donations for good causes, or even collecting the occasional bribe as a “means to an end”. Politics is always interesting.”
The politician career came to the game with The Sims 4: City Living and is a great one. This career has the option for your sims to work from home as well.
This career focuses on the charisma skill in the beginning and your daily task will be to successfully promote a cause. You should do this to sims who you already have a bit of a relationship with to make it be successful.
The first branch is the charity organizer branch where your sim will need to collect donations as their daily task. You’ll want to ask sims who you have a decent relationship with for money to make this happen. Your sim will also need to continue the charisma skill.
In the politician branch your sim will need to secure votes as their daily task. You’ll want to ask sims who like you for their votes so you can have a successful attempt. You are going to need to keep gaining the charisma skill.
Salaryperson Career
“Dedicating your life to the Farseer Data Corporation and putting its needs above all else is just the first step for a Salaryperson. Stability, respect, and endless hours of work are in your future. Advance to be a Supervisor or an expert in your field all while enjoying morning commutes and evening Karaoke.”
The salaryperson career came with The Sims 4: Snowy Escape and has your sim working really long hours and a decently long commute. This career is pretty cool because as you work through it you can get bonus traits and lots of fun chance cards. You’ll work a lot but get decent money but don’t plan on having much of a social life.
Scientist Career

“Calling all brains! Are you the nerdy type who aspires to one day wear tin foil on your head and decorate your studio with huge bubbly tanks? A scientist who proves they’ve got the grey matter to change the world as we know it can unlock new outfits like the UFO Hunter or objects like a swanky chemistry lab for concocting new inventions and serums.”
The scientist career is one of three active careers that came with The Sims 4: Get to Work and allows you to go to work with your sims. Being a scientist requires your sims to invent things, analyze chemicals and so much more. It’s hard to summarize the scientist active career so be sure to check the full article for more info.
Secret Agent Career

“Live life unnoticed as a covert operative. From infiltrating enemy headquarters to the art of interrogation, the more you learn, the less you’ll be known.”
Working as a secret agent your sim is going to need to gain the charisma and logic skills to get promoted. Your daily tasks are going to be to browse intelligence on your computer or to do friendly interactions with other sims.
There are going to be two branches of this career to choose from, the first one is diamond agent. In this branch you are going to need to continue to gain the charisma and logic skills. Oddly enough, the daily task you’ll need to do is participate in romantic interactions with other sims.
The other branch is going to have your sim becoming a villain. This is the only career that actually has an 11th level, meaning you’ll get a lot more money. You’ll need to keep gaining the logic skill but this branch adds in the mischief skill and you’ll need to do mischief interactions.
Social Media Career

“What’s trending? Where’s the best food in town? Who’s the most interesting celebrity? Start a career in social media to be the person that answers these questions for their followers. Blog and check in at venues to keep followers coming back for more.”
In the social media career your daily task is going to be to update your social media profile which is simple enough. You’ll need to get followers as well and get 100 in order to get to the branch choice. You are going to need to work on the charisma skill as well as the comedy or mischief skill.
A great thing about this career is that it has the option to work from home. This means that your sims are able to just do a few tasks from the comfort of their home and have the chance to take care of the kids or do other tasks.
There are two branches to choose from in the social media career. The first one is the public relations branch where your sims will need to work on your writing and charisma skills to get promoted. Your daily task will be to network with journalists.
The other branch is the internet personality branch. This branch is more focused on growing your following. Your daily task is to share jokes with followers or to troll the forums. You’ll need to gain your charisma skill no matter what, and gain either the comedy skill or the mischief skill.
Style Influencer Career

“By identifying the right colours, the trendy patterns, the unseen ensemble pairings, and identifying the right person to act as a vehicle for such insight, the Style Influencer can twist the world toward a more cohesive end.”
The style influencer career was added to the base game in a patch and is a really fun one. Your daily task before you choose a branch in this career will be to either discuss outfits or discuss fashion with others sims. This will be found in friendly interactions. A great thing in this career is that at level 4 you unlock the ability to write articles and you can increase your work performance a decent amount when you aren’t working with these.
There are of course two branches of this career for you to choose from. The first one is the trend setter branch and in this branch you’ll need to work on your writing, painting, charisma and photography skills. Your daily task is going to be to gather impressions which you can do by getting inspired and then adding these impressions to the style board.
In the stylist branch your daily task is going to be to update your social media status which is super easy. You are also going to need the painting, photography, charisma and writing skills to gain a promotion.
Tech Guru Career

“Who needs college with programming skills like yours? Opportunity is out there ripe for the picking and you and your big brain are ready to pluck away.”
The tech guru career is a base game career where your sims are going to be playing video games and programming all the time. You’ll need the programming skill and the video gaming skill in order to progress in this field. Your daily task before you choose a branch will be to either practice programming or play video games.
There are two branches that you can choose from for your sim, the first one is the eSports Gamer career branch. These sims are going to focus on video gaming and will need to max out that skill to get to the top of the career, while only needing a level 8 programming. They will have a daily task of playing video games.
The second branch is the Start Up Entrepreneur branch where your sims will need to max out the programming skill. In addition, they will need to start learning the charisma skill to reach the top of this career. For this branch your sims will need to do some programming each day when they come home from work.
Writer Career

“Get paid to express your ideas with beautiful turns of phrase and words — wonderful words!”
The writer career is a base game career that will have your sims writing on their computer often. They are going to need to focus on the writing skill for the first few levels with your daily task being either reading or writing books.
There are two branches to choose from for this career. If you choose to be an author your sims are going to need to learn the logic skill and will be writing books each day as their daily task. This is a good branch choice since you can also earn royalties from selling the books at the mailbox.
If you choose the journalist branch you’ll need to start learning the charisma skill as well as the writing skill. Your sim will need to write articles as their daily task instead of writing books.
Ways to Stop Working in The Sims 4
How to Retire from Your Career
When your sim ages up from an adult to an elder they have the option to retire from their job so they no longer need to work. You will find this option on your sim’s phone and they will get a bit of money each day just like how royalties work. Everyday around 10 am your sims will get a small percentage of their previous pay as a retirement package, not a ton, but better than nothing!
How to Quit Your Career
Sometimes when you are playing you may just not want your sims to work for a specific career any longer, or you may just want to stay at home or pursue your passion. In order to quit your job in the sims you want to go to your phone and in the career panel there will be a quit job option. You’ll get a pop up asking if you are sure that you want to do this, and you can say yes or no. Beware because some sims are going to be sad if they quit their job!
Part Time Jobs
If you don’t want your sims working stressful jobs and having 8 hour days, you also have the option of choosing a part time job instead of a full blown career. These are jobs that are only a few hours a day and can be easily completed daily while also pursing dreams of art or writing or raising a family. These jobs are also available for teens to participate in after school or on weekends.

“Get paid to play with kids – and keep them safe and all that. You get to be in charge…”
The first part-time job is to become a baby sitter. In this job to get promoted you need to earn the charisma skill and you will be working exclusively on weekends. It’s a great option for teenagers or as a second job for someone who has a regular Monday to Friday career.

“If you love hanging out at the coffee house and already know all the fancy drink names, why not get paid for it?”
The barista part time career is interesting because you only work two hours each morning during the week. To get promoted in this career you are going to need to gain the mixology skill and be willing to wake up before 5 am each day. Probably not the best choice for a teenager since they’ll need to attend school and will be too tired.

“Grab your snorkel and get to work! Being a diver is all about exploring the depths of the ocean floor.”
Diver is a part time career that came with The Sims 4: Island Living. Your sim will be working from Monday to Friday and to get promoted needs to buy specific items from the diving buoys to get promoted.
Fast Food Employee

“Earn a little spending money serving food to people you know. And wiping up after them, for a while.”
Working as a fast food employee means that you can work from 6 am to 10 am or from 5pm to 9pm. You’ll work 5 days a week and need to gain a bit of the cooking skill and charisma skill to get promoted.

“Relax by the water and let the fish come to you. It’s all about how you catch ’em (hook, line, and sinker) when you’re a fisherman!”
Working as a fisherman is a good option for any player who has The Sims 4: Island Living. These sims are going to need to gain the fishing skill to get promoted and will work Monday to Friday.

“Sunscreen, whistles, and the occasional shark are all part of everyday life as a lifeguard. Love swimming, safety, and yelling at rambunctious children trying to drown each other? This is the part time career for you!”
Working as a lifeguard is a great part time job if you have The Sims 4: Island Living. This one will need your sim to gain the fitness skill to get promoted.
Manual Labour

“Do you find muscles appealing? How about money? Pursue a part time career as a manual labourer and you can create, get paid, and become buff (all at the same time!)”
Working as a manual labourer in The Sims 4 is a decent option for a part time job on the weekends for teens and adult sims. This job will have you needing to gain the gardening skill to get promoted and earn more money.
Retail Employee

“Set your sights on the future by launching your career in sales. From creating displays to disarming customers, you’re on your way to perks, discounts, and sweet simoleons.”
A retail employee is going to be working a lot more than some part time jobs. You’ll have to work 5 days a week either from 9 am to 1 pm or from 6 pm to 10 pm depending on what works best for your schedule. To get promoted in this part time career, you’ll need to work on the charisma skill.
Final Thoughts
Careers in The Sims 4 are a huge part of the game if you want your sims to earn money and live a regular life. You want to make an informed decision about which career your sims will have, so knowing all of the details of each career is important! Happy Playing!
Sims 4 has custom jobs in it for a while now, and no one is telling us how to do them. You’re supposed to be able to know white in a job title for a custom job, but how do you do it? I don’t see the option anywhere despite EA said I can do it.
You have to register with the Ministry of Labor to be Self-Employed. Supposedly, you can do it with the phone, but I don’t have that option anymore. I can do it via computer, under the Careers option.
You can register with the Ministry of Labor via the phone or a computer(under the Careers option). I didn’t have it as an option on my phone until I purchased a computer, but it stayed even after I sold the computer. I left the game and reloaded it without saving, and then I still had the Ministry of Labor option on my phone.
I love detailed you are with everything on the Sims 4. Any idea when the missing content might be available?
hopefully some day, haha! i am very busy
Is there no scientist career article? The description says check the article, but the link is in gray and doesn’t transfer me to any article. Replacing the url of a different career with scientist also comes up with “no results found.” Can you fix the article link please so it’s actually viewable?
Your site has been my go-to for careers since I learned of it. Thanks for making this!